Lovers and liars?

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I begin walking and I spot Alya
"Alya!" When I start running to her
Someone gets a hold of my writs
"Look Adrien s-"
When I turn around its not Adrien its
"Marinette I need to tell you something"
His voice was deep and husky my eyes went wide and I couldn't move
"Nathanael I need to go" I say as I try to make him loosen his grip
"Marinette" he pulls me close
"I love you" his words made my eyes grow even wider
I froze
I had no response
I don't know who I love anymore
"Do you love me?"
That question he asked felt like
He shot a bullet in my heart
"I-I don't know"
I snatch my arm away and run to Alya
I felt horrible for my actions
I know I don't love him..right?
"Marinette?" A voice behind me spoke with sadness and confusion
As I turn around
I see Adrien
"Did he hurt you?" He asks concerned and he wraps his hands out me (a hug ^^)
My heart
My face it feels like it's burning
My checks turn red
My smile grew wider as I hug back
I feel safe in his arms
"Something you didn't tell me about girl?" Alya asks laughing and I glare at her
"Oh uh just that me and Adrien are good friends now!" I smile feeling confident
Adriens pov:
That word
Did those kisses mean nothing to her
I freeze
Letting all my thoughts sink threw my mind
Does she love Nathanael?
As I slowly enter back to reality I see her waving her hand in front of my face
"Friend?" alya asks confused
I agree but I didn't say anything
What if I ruin everything with my big mouth
She nods her head which makes me feel like my heart was ripped out
Didn't she say she loves me?
"I-i got to g-go" I say holding back my tears
As I begin to walk away she says with a smile
"She you later friend!"
That word
My heart
Her words
Were they all a lie
Did that kiss mean nothing
My lady
Is a LIAR?
"I mean I'll always love her even if I don't want to" I whisper to myself

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