One more

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(Plz ignore spelling mistakes, I was in a rush)
Chat runs to stormy and kicks her down, he places his foot on her chest and she try's getting up.
"Stop!" Stormy yells and hits chats leg with her umbrella.
Lady wifi grins, she takes out her phone and gets ready to shoot chat.
Stormy smirks "I give up" she puts her hands behind her head.
Chat smiles "see m'lady I can handle this'  I see lady wifi and I jump in front of chat.
I get paused.
-chats pov:
I gasp "oh cmon!" I take my foot off stormy, I look around.
"Ugh where's that wifi box" I turn to the left, and I see it
"There it is!" I squeal and then I cover my mouth and I look away.
Stormy laughs "girly girl" she points her umbrella at me


She blows me away and I land on my back, I groan in pain "m'lady" I groan one last time and I get up.
I run to the wifi box, I look up and I see lighting
I move out of the way.

"I saw that coming Elsa"

"I'm not Elsa!" Stormy stomps on the ground

"Yeah....keep thinking that ice b*tch"

I run to the wifi box and I use cataclysm.

"Stop!" Lady wifi yells and try's shooting me.

The wifi box tumbles and breaks, lady wifi falls on the ground

"ugh stormy you should've saved me! Now I have no wifi!" She grips onto her phone.

Ladybug runs to lady wifi, she grabs onto her phone.
She drops it and the akuma flys out

"no more evil doing for you, little akuma" she purifies it and grins 

"One more"

"Yeah, we got this m'lady"

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