Chapter 5

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Olive, Ebony, Roger, and I stand in front of the Grimm as it now slithers its way at our direction.


We all moved out of the way as it hit the rocks. It turns back around with with a death glare in its eye and slithers back to us.

"I got this!" shouted Olive.

She used her super speed to run up to it and goes behind it. As the grimm is almost about to come at is again, it stops. We all looked at Olive as she holds on to the grimm's tail.

"What are you waiting for?! Do something!"

"Got it." shouts Ebony.

Ebony takes out her hand and shoots at the grimm and Roger used his powers to transform a light green net and shoots at the grimm. Olive quickly moved out of the way using her speed and the net catches it. It falls down to the ground and scrums around trying to get out.

We all walked to each other.

"Henry. How do you know about this grimm?" asks Ebony.

"I-I read it in a book. But that was years ago."

"Henry. How could a person like you learn about a grimm that easily? This is our first time seeing one."

"Do you know any facts about this?" asks Olive.

"Yeah. Let's see."

Ebony's POV

I looked behind Henry as I saw the grimm breaking out of River's power net. This can't be good.

"Uh. Guys?"

"Not now Ebony. I'm trying to think."

I then heard the net breaking apart as it starts to rise back up again.


"What?! Can't you see I'm trying to think.... Oh yeah! It's tail has a lot of thorns so it can cut anything!"

Suddenly, the grimm roars as it was now free. Henry finally looks behind.

"Great. That's just great."

It roars with anger as its tail rises and flings the thorns to us. We all moved quickly as it his the ground. Hard. Roger run up to it and shoots, but he was about to get hit by its tail.

He flips over the tail and land's perfectly and keeps on shooting. Olive speed runs to the thing and climbs on its head. She punches it with all her might. The grimm screeches as it flings its head rapidly to get Olive off. She tried to hold on, but fails. She falls off and hits a tree. Henry gasps and looks back at the grimm with anger in his eyes.


Suddenly, Henry was hit by the tail and falls back with Olive. Guess it's just me and Roger. The grimm strikes us with its hands and punches the ground. I jumped and ran up on its arm to fight better. I was finally at the face and I used my sword to swing. I had the chance to swing seven times. Suddenly, something bad happens. It grabs me and throws me to the ground. Hard. I got back up and it punches me to another tree. I couldn't move.

Roger's POV

I can't believe that these guys would think that it would be easy to fight a grimm like this. I kept on shooting and it was about to punch me to the ground. I moved out of the way a few times and it misses. I finally take another shot and I hit him in the eye. It screeches and throws his arms rapidly and finally hits me. I tell into the ground.

Henry's POV

I finally got my concentration back as I saw the grimm's Left eye shot. That gives me and idea.

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