New Beginning!

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(This story will be more weird, creepy, and a little less romance. The people who are going to be in this: Salex, Taurtis, Sam, you, and Dom, Grain. Yes, J was there for the last book but I feel like he isn't important. (Sorry J)^•^Well hope you like it and let's get started)
You, Sam, Salex, Dom, Taurtis, and Grian board the train that lead to Tokyo, Japan. Once you all arrived, everybody got out.
"Where are we suppose to go?" You said, grabbing your suitcase.
"I got a note from Mrs.Okami, its says 'Due to the events that happened, we had to relocate you. Welcome to the city of Tokyo.
You all will be leaving the train station to a restaurant called SushiWushi, there you will meet 'Kiyu' she will show you the house and your new school.
Good Luck out there~ Okami Artist.'
"I don't like big cities though." Taurtis said. "I thought we were going to Disney World."
"Well there is a Disney world in Japan." You said.
"Oh yeah. Can we go now!" Taurtis said, hyper.
"We got to go meet Kiyu." Salex said.
Taurtis made a pout face. "We'll go someday." You said, handing him a bag of Toritos, making Taurtis happy.
"Where do we go?" Grian asked, stopping and looking around.
"I don't know. Let's find somebody to ask." Salex said, walking ahead.
"Uhh guys, why is this guy staring at us." Taurtis said. It was a guy probably is his forty's, who was wearing boxer and a white T-shirt, he pulled out some panties and slowly backed away.
"Let's just go find SushiWushi." Grian said.
As you all walked ahead, more and more into the city. Taurtis went and asked a squid person 'Where SushiWushi was.'
"I'll show you. Its on the other side." The squid person said.
You all followed and there it was SushiWushi, the sign said 'SushiWushi
Opened since 1953'
To be continued...

(Hope you liked it so far! Sorry this short. But I don't really have that much time today. Tell me what you think about it, tell me if there is anything you want me to fix. Well that's all pandas Goodbyeeeee!!!!)

Tokyo Soul: New Beginning, New Friends, New Enemies {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now