Chapter one

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Monday May 23
Eveyone has die theres noone left only me and my animals,i live on a valley where i have a farm an a store that is just across the clean lake luckly only two cows,some chickens,my dog and i survive.
Right now i have my riffle on arm even though no one is here but i change of mind last week when i saw smoke in the other side of the valley and when i saw light of fire last saturday.
Eveynight closer..
I start walking cutting some apples out of a tree when i saw someone..i hide bending over the big crops it was a man i could tell by he's height and shape but he was all cover up.
Wearing a black mask covering all he face,a plastic suit and haved some oxygen mask whit goggles that covers hes eyes.
He took all he clothes off just weairng a black thank top and some dark blue jeans as well he looked kinda cute to be honest but way older than i,like twenty four or twenty six.
He look around and looked happy i mean is a nice day out here and i could guess that he haven't seen such a beautiful view and cames from the other side of the valley.
"This is heaven.just when i was about to give up!!" he yelled out of happiness,he start building a tent up and i start walking towards my cave that is like twenty minutes away or so more like twenty five.
Is better that i stay away from him you never know what he may be

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