Chapter six

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May 25 still the same day
I took my blankets off me and unlock my door room and get out of the room i get out of the house and saw that it was still day and is probalty 2:30pm according to the location of the sun.
I went to side of the clean lake and took my shirt off as well as all my clothes and got in the lake i swim and close my eyes.
I open them and grab the soap that i left last time i came and clean my self i put it back and swim back, i feel someone watching me now for some quiet time now
dean obustly.
So i look and saw dean next to a tree watching me i look away and try to ignore it.
I look back and he was now closer amd was seating down next to my clothes i swim toward him.
"I thought you runaway into.i saw you here taking you shirt off" he say looking at me but not to my face at my chest.
"Thats all you saw taking my shirt off.righr?" i say looking at him and he look at me now at my face for a second but then he stand up and start walking away.
I sigh and get out of the lake and put my clothes back in.
Something in here is wrong and i dont like it a bit

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