Chapter 2

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Caroline's POV

Another tabloid, another magazine, another tv show devoted to the Guardians. Just so people can fawn over them and pray that they will get the one they want for their 17th birthday. I never kept up with all of the different soon-to-be Guardians. When I was little we had to pay taxes, we still do but now you also pay for 'Guardian Protection'. You get one when you turn 17, you lose one when you turn 80, apparently once you become 'too old' you don't need one anymore. Whatever. The whole thing is really stupid in my opinion. It's all just a game to get girls to fawn over all the guys angels and and for human guys to drool and fantasize over the girls angels.

It's like Valentine's Day. A time where companies use teenage girls to make money and exploit them to shirtless guys in romance movies, professing their love for them and giving them a happy ever after.

Well maybe it's time we all realize that happily ever after isn't something that happens without a director and multiple takes.

"Hey Caroline! Why don't you get out of your journal world and get ready to go? Your birthday's coming up, we need to plan your party!" My mother yelled from downstairs excitedly. I could almost see her vibrating now.

My dad had died when I was five or so, so from what I can remember it's always been my mom and me. That is, until I turned 10 and my mom got remarried to Mark. He's okay but I still call him Mark, dad is just weird. I mean, don't get me wrong. Marks great, but I've always known him as Mark. So Mark is what he will always be for me.

"Coming!" I yelled back. I was already dressed and ready for school, being the early bird I am I end up having a lot of time on my hands, I use up most of it writing and... well... writing.

I walked downstairs knowing exactly what to expect, the birthday breakfast my mom always makes for me. Banana pancakes with a sliced red apple with nutella. I walked down and sat at my normal spot. She walked over and set down my plate. Then she sat down across from me.

"When I was a teenager, we used to have sweet sixteens not sassy seventeens." She said with a teasing smile I knew too well.

"Mom, no one calls them sassy seventeens, they call them angel birthdays." I said smiling at her.

"Well same thing," she said as she smiled back, "either way today is the day you get your Guardian! I'm so excited! Tonight's gonna be amazing! Mark said we can get whatever we would like, he wants tonight to be just as perfect as we had always hoped it would be." She smiled and held my hand for a moment before getting up again. "Tonight's your special night. I'm so proud of you Caroline, you are such a hard worker. You deserve this."

"What? The day of embarrassment? No I think that happens everyday." I said smiling at her before getting up and grabbing my backpack, "Bye mom, love you, but schools calling to me."

"Are you sure it's not just your boyfriend's car parked out front?" She said smiling at me.

"Yes, I'm sure it's not Tyler, it's most definitely school." I said laughing as I walked out of my house.

"Happy birthday beautiful!" Tyler called as I got into his car.

"Thanks," I leaned over and we kissed sweetly. "Now, before I fall asleep because I think this is all a horrible, horrible dream, let's go to school."

We listened to the Angel Fly Radio all the way there. Although neither of us support angels, Angel Fly Radio has good music. I mean, it was still the same stuff as all the other radio stations but since it was mostly Guardian funded it had the best reception and the music was all the newest and best stuff. It's the same music as it was when my parents were younger. It's about money and drugs and girls, but there are some that aren't. Those are the songs I like. Oh, or they're about getting saved by some hot angel and swooning in his arms. Yeah, those aren't exactly my type.

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