The plan

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Maybe we can well it might sound creepy but maybe we can take a blood sample from Kyle and said bell interrupted and put it in my portal gun  said Cisco excited WHAT no no NO I refuse said Kyle hey it's the only way to help you said bell well fiiiiiine if it will help me said Kyle take it and make it fast I will go find my portal gun said Cisco okay it might sting said bell AHHH yelled Kyle ouuuuuch that hurts a lot said Kyle hurt wosh some red flash came oh hi Barry hi irris said Luna oh hi what's up little fella why so hurt said Barry holding irris's hand well I took a blood sample from him and technically it hurted him said bell well it did now if you don't mind I want to take a nap while Cisco does his thing said Kyle yeah you need your sleep little man said Barry okay so the plan is that I will put the the blood sample in the portal gun and Barry oh we need some one else have a strong sense of smell said Cisco well I am the perfect person said a mysterious man with a girl beside him Scott and Malia how are you said Cisco and bell and Luna together Barry and irris looked at them oh we helped them with the wolf thing said bell where is Allison said Luna well she wanted to come but she needs to rest said Scott but I heard you need help I will do it said Scott okay then you and Scott  go get her and come fast Cisco said while giving Barry the look ( because he is the fasts man alive get it no okay ) yeah said Scott and Barry okay then I will go work on my thingy as Kyle calls it night guys said Cisco and left

Howde partners hope your enjoying the story so far sorry part four came on late but still hoping your still loving it 


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