Chapter Seven

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--------------------------------> Jeff

Pierre's POV:

I sat in the hospital waiting room, waiting for word on Taylin. Josh said she was take right in. Everyone was there. We brought a change of clothes for Josh and Mike. My heart raced as I thought about what could be wrong. She looked lifeless while she was on the floor. I was scared to death she might die. Sure I had other family, but Taylin and I had a certain bond that no one understood. We did. She was like a sister to me. More then that though. I was lost in thought when a man walked out, looking around.

"Taylin Teller?" I heard her name and jumped up. Everyone followed my movement.

"I'm her cousin. What happened?" I asked, I was worried. It was evident in my voice.

"I'm Dr. Jacobson. She has a dislocated shoulder, her right arm is fractured, she has a concussion, her cheek bone is fractured, her left ear drum burst and she has 3 broken ribs. We had to do surgery to repair her collapsed lung. What happened to her?" He looked at the 9 of us wondering if one of us hurt her.

"We were preforming and someone attacked her. They assaulted her in a bathroom. She made it just short of the stage when I found her." Mike sounded like it was his fault.

"We have to keep her over night. She can leave tomorrow." He didn't seem like he trusted what Mike said.

"There's an officer who needs to speak with her. Is there a chance one of us can see her?" Josh asked, I had to admit her was smart.

"Only family and the police. She's awake for now but she needs to rest." He said as he walked off.

I nodded and looked to the guys. They all stepped back and let me go in alone. They knew how I was when it came to her. There was no one else when she was in pain or danger. I followed Dr. Jacobson to her room and almost hit the floor. She was black and blue all over. She had a cast on her arm and was in a sling. She looked like she hurt so bad.

"She's on pain meds. She's a little out of it, but she'll be able to talk." The doctor said as he left.

As I walked up to the bed she turned to face me. She looked like shit. Her face was black and blue on one side. Her left eye was swollen shut. She looked so frail as she stayed still. She was frightened of everything, every movement.

"Lin?" I said softly, she jumped. She started to shake.

"Who is it?" She asked, not sure of much.

"It's Pie. No one is gonna hurt you. I swear." I walked over to her and gently touched her hand. She relaxed under my touch.

"I hurt so bad." She started to cry and I just gave her a soft hug.

"Ms. Teller, is there a chance we can speak with you?" An officer walked in.

"Who is it?" She looked to me.

"It's the police. They have to talk to you about what happened." I told her, rubbing her shoulder.

"Ok." She took a deep breath. I nodded to them and they walked up.

"Can you tell us what happened?" A woman asked as the male officer stood by the door.

As Taylin told them what happened, my heart broke. Every detail made my blood boil. I had never really hated anyone before. At that moment I felt such hate toward my aunt and her husband it wasn't funny. I wanted to see them beaten like Taylin had been. When Taylin was finished she took a deep breath. The police thanked her and left. She seemed to calm down when they left.

"Can I see Josh?" She asked softly. I didn't think much of it and smiled.

"Yea. I'll go get him." I kissed her forehead and left the room.

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