Chapter Thirteen

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Here you go! Chapter 13. I am so sorry this took so long for me to get up. It's a lil short, but that means the next will be longer!!!! I have a lot of ideas for this story. theres a few things i want to have happen, but I have to figure out how to make it fit. So for now enjoy this chapter.  Let me know what you think may happen in the next chapter!!!

I sat on Josh's bus. Wondering what I should do. I wanted to run. I had this urge to take off and hide. I felt like such a loser. I beat up a kid. I wasn't a violent person but something about Abbie brought an anger out of me that I didn't like.

I knew I was ok, but I wasn't ok with what I did. I needed an out. Josh and Pierre would watch the pups. I needed to get out. While they were getting ready for their show, I left. I called a cab and headed to the airport.

I stood looking at the board. Looking at where I could go. Then it hit me. I bought a ticket with the card Pierre gave me and thanked the woman at the counter.

I felt my heart race as the plane took off. I knew I would be safe. I would be safe for the first time in a while.

Josh's POV:

I was excited after the show. It was a great show and I just wanted to relax with Taylin before I crashed. Or that was the plan until I saw that she was gone and left River and Welsh. I ran off the bus and headed for Simple Plan's bus. I figured she passed out there.

"Tay?" I called, but no answer. I looked in the bunks and in the back, but she wasn't there. I didn't like the idea of her missing. I went back to the club and looked for Pierre.

"Hey, anyone seen Pierre?" I asked, looking for the guys.

"Um try the dressing rooms." One of the crew said. I thanked him and took off. I needed to find him or Taylin. I thought she might be with him.

I peeked in and saw Pierre with the guys. No Taylin. I sighed as I walked in.

"Hey Josh. Where's Taylin?" Pierre asked, wondering what was going on.

"I thought she was in here." My mind raced as I thought about where she could be.

"She's gone?" He asked.

"I guess so. I have no idea where she went. I went to the bus to see her and she was gone." I felt like my heart was breaking. I had no idea where she would have gone. My heart hurt with worry.

"Maybe she just took a walk. Or went to go see Angie. Just give it a lil. She'll come back." Pierre sounded like he was trying to convince himself more then me.

Taylin's POV:

I sat on a bus, heading to Pierre's apartment. I needed to get out of the states. I needed to have a little time to myself. I needed to think. I knew everyone would worry. I would call in a few days, let them know I was ok.

I walked into the apartment, coughing slightly. It was musty and needed to be aired out. I thought Miranda had been checking up on things. I saw that stack of mail in the kitchen and saw that she had been by. I opened the windows a bit and headed towards the bathroom. I needed a nice hot shower.

After my shower I grabbed some chips and headed to the couch. TV time. I laughed as I watched a few shows. Suddenly the fatigue of being on tour set in. I passed out as my phone rang.

I woke up around 9 am. I was shocked I slept for 13 hours. I saw I had a few texts and missed calls. I ignored them as I headed to my room, it was odd calling it that, but I got changed and went to grab something to eat. I turned on the television and sighed. Much was on and I saw Josh. I felt horrible that I left the way I did. I knew that everyone would be worried. I knew that I would have to return the calls I missed. Josh and Pierre.

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