Pieces of the past

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"I wonder whats going on in her mind? Some girls at this age or younger are usually finding someone to be in love with," Todomatsu sighed.

"Thats kind of true Totty. Although shes not really the type to fawn over guys but i won't be suprised to know she has slight feelings for someone," Choromatsu added.

The room was filled with silence until Karamatsu voiced up. "___ usually shares her stories with us. But back then I knew something was wrong."

All eyes were on Karamatsu. The cool try-hard person spoke in a quite serious way this time.

"Back then, she bumped into me while running. ___ was crying. She said to not worry about her. It was the first time I saw her like that and I knew she was hiding something."

"Maybe someone hurt her?" asked Jyushimatsu.

"She seemed fine physically. Maybe she was hurt inside," replied Karamatsu.

"Maybe someone hurt her feelings back then? Heart broken? Demotivation? It could have scarred her until now probably?" asked Osomatsu.

"Thats a possibility," Ichimatsu nodded.

The room turned awkwardly silence again as no one wanted to reply or ask anything. Until, Karamatsu spoke up.

"Im not sure what happened back then that could scar her but," he gulped. "I am actually in love with ___."

"YOU WHAT?!" the five said in unison.

The rest were suprised as Karamatsu, the guy who always wanted to attract ladies who he claimed to be his 'Karamatsu Girls' but utterly fails actually is in love with the one childhood and best friend.

"W-when did you start to like her?" asked Choromatsu.

"Since school times back then honestly. I just did not have the courage back then so i keep it to myself."

Osomatsu chuckled. "Well, you're a big person already Karamatsu. You should tell her bro."

"What if she rejects me?"

"Its not to late yet, Karamatsu nii-san. She won't know if you don't tell her," replied Totty.

"Plus, its better to do it soon. Anything could happen," said Ichimatsu as he was sincere enough to motivate Karamatsu.

"Besides, I can feel that this is what they say true love. If you truly love her, Karamatsu, then go for it," Osomatsu cheered on him as he rubbed under his nose with his finger with glee.

"We will support you nii-san!!" Jyushimatsu exclaimed.

"You guys.." the second brother had a tear in his eyes as he was flattered by the motivational words which his brothers rarely gives to him at one time.

"It's still evening I can go meet her!"

"Go for it Karamatsu, we will be rooting for you!" Osomatsu fist pumped to show support.

Karamatsu nodded and quickly wore his shoes to go out and seek ___.

"Should we check on him?" Asked Choromatsu.

When, Choromatsu looked back, the rest were already wearing their coloured bandanas as a 'camouflage'. He gave a face palm and ended up doing so as well.

Looks Aren't Everything To Me (A Karamatsu Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now