Chapter 36

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Okay so really quick authors note/announcement please read c: .Okay, so I literally have no idea what i want to do with this book. This was one of the first stories I've started and I started this back in 7th grade, which is a long while ago. So, you could imagine that I fell out of love with this book. I update off and on because I've ran out of ideas for it. It was really poorly planned after all... I apologize to all who enjoy this book but honestly its quite frustrating to try to update a book that you are uncertain what path you want to go down with it. So sadly, The Last Song will be coming to an end. But, in the near future I will start on a different short story (I actually have this one planned out xD). ANNNDDDD THE SEQUAL TO THE LAST SONG YAYYYYYY. Its in the process of being written and will come out soon :D so YEAH Sorry if you hate me for this, I kinda hate me for this, but I think that better writing will come out of this so um yeah! Thanks for reading, love you guys!!!

Kats Pov

SMS To: Jazlyn
Hey, you left your bag. Quick question, why do you have Max's morphine pills?

There was absolutely no reason at all for her to have Max's pills. Maybe it was a mistake, she might have grabbed them on accident? A possibility, but still made no sense. Who accidentally grabs Three bottles of pills especially in a bag this small.

I walked down the street back to the hospital. Should I just put the pills back and make it seem like they were misplaced, or should I tell Max about it.? Or should I leave it lone all together? it all was confusing to me. They all sounded like the right choice but at the same time the wrong choice.

SMS From: Jazlyn
Why were you in my bag?

Was she trying to avoid the question?

SMS To: Jazlyn
It fell and all the stuff spilled out. Answer the question.

SMS From: Jazlyn
Meet me in front of the hospital.

I sighed. Clearly this wasn't going to end well. Approaching the door I recognize the car that Jazlyn got picked up in. "Well?" I said as she approached me.

"Well what?" she replied reaching for her bag.

I snatched it away, this whole thing seems too shady. She doesn't get what she wants until I get what I want. "Why do you have Max's pills?" I questioned again. She just shrugged, "I don't know, it was a mistake I guess. Now, give me my bag." She snatched the bag away from me.

"You weren't going to give them to your sister were you? I can understand you buying them for her but I cant understand you stealing them from someone who actually needs them. That's-"

"I said it was an accident, so just drop it." She scoffed.

"Why should I? There's no way you just accidentally pick up 3 bottles of strong morphine with someone else's name." I crossed my arms, Jazlyn just stood there quietly. "Someone's going to have to take them back to Max. And if its me its not going to end well so I suggest you just go apologize."

"You don't understand." she shook her head. "I can't do that, I need them."

I just rolled my eyes. "Are you seriously afraid of Cherish that much? She's just going to have to get over it because this is wrong."

"You don't listen! I need them, me, not her. None of it was ever for cherish it was for me! I lied okay, so stop it." Jazlyn yelled at me with tears in her eyes. I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out. Maybe that's why she looked so ill all the time now. Drug abuse.

"Don't look at me like that." she said through clenched teeth.

"Like what?" I said quietly. I didn't know what else to say. This was all news to me. Jazlyn was a beautiful, talented girl. She didn't need to do any of this. "You're judging me. I know what you're thinking. I have I problem, I don't need to be on drugs I have everything I could ever need in life. The stereotypical popular girl status, good grades, nice parents. But surprise apparently I do need them." she laughed wiping her tears.

"I'm not going to lie, I shocked. But I'm not judging." I said. "Jazlyn, we could get you help." I said reaching for her hand. "Don't you get it? I obviously don't want help. Especially not from you, God no." She looked at me scoffing again. "Yeah, I said it. I don't want your 'help'. Not from the rich girl who can afford to pay to go back home to London to run away from her problems."

"That has nothing to do with this." I sighed. "I have other reasons for going home, so don't try to make it seem like I don't have my own problems."

Jazlyn raised her hands in surrender as she walked back to the car. "Exactly, you handle your problems how I want to, I handle my problems how I want to."

I watched as she got in the car and it sped off.

Maybe she was right, who was I to tell her how to solve her problems when I run away from my own?

Short filler chapter since I haven't updated in awhile

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