5/4/16 - 2 weeks ago - The Yellow Ball

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flies right over his head like

a free bird. He swipes

at it like a desperate cat

but it's way out of his reach.

I laugh as his face distorts

with frustration. It reminds me

of my favorite Sunday

cartoon: Tweety Bird and Sylvester.

The ball becomes tight

around the pole. I hold up

five fingers triumphantly

in the air. Henry's shoulders sag.

"Want a rematch?" I ask.

"I think it's time for lunch" he starts

walking toward the school, and I see

he's right. Other kids are doing the same.

I run to catch up with him.

"Are you angry at me?"

"No. I'm just hungry, that's all."

"Me too." I agree.

We begin lining up to

go into the torture house.

It's where they make us do stupid

work and treat us with no respect.

But it's lunch time so everything is good

for about thirty minutes.

Jessica runs over

to where Henry and I are sitting.

She sets her tuna fish sandwich

down next to Henry to save her seat.

Her sandwich waits alone

wrapped in aluminum foil,

sending harsh aromas

into the air around it.

She walks back from the lunch line,

sets her stolen chocolate milk carton down.

Jessica slides in next to us, bringing

out her unfinished homework sheet.

"Sooo..." she says,

"What did you get for number 1?"

Chewing on the back of the

pencil that suddenly appeared in her hand.

I look at Henry who's taking out

his sandwich from his lunch bag.

His bright eyes lock on mine

for a second. We look at Jessica

slurping chocolate milk from

the side of her mouth.

Thick hair falling in different

lengths down her back and 

around her face.

"I -" Henry cut me off,

"Don't give her the answers!" Taking

a bite of his AB+J

(we're not allowed peanut butter because of allergies)

"I wasn't going to." I snap, defensive.

"Then what were you going to say?"

I'm silent.

What was I going to say?

"That's what I thought."

"Well I thought you said you weren't angry."

I countered, slurping

ramen noodles.

"I'm just going to solve these for myself."

Jess started scribbling down random answers.

"Fine," I said.

"Fine," He said.

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