5/10/16 - What If I Told You

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that the Earth was flat?"

"Then I would call you a liar." Jessica replies.

I peer between the peep holes of the tree house's

wooden walls, surveying the outside area.

"No, no! I have a good one." Henry stops carving marks into

the tree trunk with his swiss army knife to look at us,

"What if I told you that you were going to die tomorrow."

"Then I would tell you that my mom's been saying

that for some time now."

"Ha. Ha. Come on Jess. Actually say a real answer

or stop answering for us."

Jessica rolls her eyes.

"Ok. My turn." Jessica's eyes

have a mischievous spark in them.

"What if I told you your dad was cheating on

your mom for a year and a half with Meredith?"

"What. Are. You. Talking about?!" I could feel

my face becoming red.

I don't allow people to push around my family

like they let people push them.

And mom had proven to me dad wasn't

going behind her back, and

being with other women.

Especially Meredith.

"Get over yourself, Jackie.

I was talking to Henry."

We both looked at him.

Henry shrunk back into wooden wall.

I looked straight at Jess

staring daggers in her direction.

Jess shrugged.

Turned around

and jumped out of the treehouse.

She landed silently

"Sorry. She's being a real jerk today."

I think I mumbled something like it's not your fault.

"Let's go inside and get some hot chocolate."

We climbed down the latter.

We walked through the garage door

and there was Jessica, waiting.

I saw her, but Henry didn't and

he almost peed his pants he screamed so loud.

Jessica and I started cracking up while his eyes turned big,

in shock.

They really do make me laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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