all night

19 1 0

Vanessa was spinning around in bed the sheets were on the floor the pillows were at the edge . Two turns, three, four turns, five, six turns, awake.

Riker twist and turned kicked and streched but nothing worked. He was awake

Just like riker and Vanessa Laura, Ross,maia,rocky,rydel,Ratliff. Are all awake

In the leaving room

Laura: OMG I'm so tire bye ( falls on Ross who was now seated on the couch with Laura's head on his lap )

Rydel: adios ( falls on Ratliff the way Laura fell on Ross)

Maia: wake me up when it's all over ( falls asleep on rocky)

Vanessa: ( starts feeling sleepy ) how come when we where in our beds we couldn't sleep (yawns)

Riker: ( yawns to ) some how now we can ( feels cold ) don't you feel kind of cold

Vanessa: ( feels warm ) no I feel warm

Riker: this is a- ( falls asleep on the rug)

Vanessa: goodnight ( falls on riker )

Next morning

Laura: ( wakes up ) holy -

Ross: ( wakes up ) crap -

So what do you think roura saw.
See ya later allygater
A&A pun

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