Chapter 6: First Steps

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Stiles Pov:

While I was on my way to pick up Scott, I couldn't stop think about the way that werewolf looked at me. I have never seen it so scared and helpless, and until it looked at me like I'm its only hope to help it. I kept on thinking about it over and over while driving until I stopped in front of Scott's house.

I opened the door and found Scott siting on his stair on his phone, "Hey Stiles!" He shouted. "Hey, we should hurry up and meet Deaton" Scott nodded and we jogged to my jeep and once we got in we drove off. "So what happened?" Scott said confused. "It's eyes just flashed blue and it just looked at me scared" Scott nodded. While driving we saw the entire animal clinic empty. I could have sworn I just saw entire sheriff employs with there cars and vans. Scott and I got out of my jeep and ran straight to Deaton. As soon as I got in I wanted to never step in the animal clinic again.

I sat on a chair watching Deaton cleaning the blood up. I looked down at the wound and was filled with wolfsbane, I slowly touched the werewolf and stroked its fur. "Stiles" Scott announced, "I can heal it but it may take some time, so Deaton and I will stay here and do everything we can" I looked up and thought of it staring at me with its blue eyes. I walked out of the animal clinic got in my jeep and drove home.

Malia Pov:

I felt like I'm paralyzed and weak stuck here in this stupid cage, I saw a group of people standing and looking at me through the glass window. One of them was holding the gun. I saw one sheriff entering in with the gun. He looked like the boy I looked at and flashed my eyes at. I think it's his dad, he pointed the gun at me I started to attack and scratched his arm. He screamed and pulled the trigger missing and hit the ceiling. Two other people can in and one kicked me. I was laying down, felt pain going through my all over my body until I saw the end of the barrel pointed at my head. Then I fell into darkness.

I woke in my human self in some sort of weird forest. I looked around and was sour round by tree that haven't grown their leaves. "Honey?" I looked over quick and saw my mom one feet away from me. "Mom?" I said while a tear escaped.  "It's okay honey, it's not your fault" "Yes! It is! I was the one to cause the accident! Killing you and Anna!" I screamed while crying. She walked over slowly and gave me a hug. "You can go through this, you sister and I are always watching you. Whatever you do, we know it's the right thing to do" Then she faded into the wind. I sat there slowly crying and crying for minutes. Until I saw the boy. He was looking around in the forest with a flashlight and while he was on his phone. "Hey!" I screamed trying to get his attention. He looked over and he started to sprint for me. I slowly got up and ran to him also. Once I got close to him, he disappeared.

Stiles Pov:

I was scared if it wasn't gonna be alive anymore. I walked inside my house and hear my dad washing something in the bathroom. I looked over and saw him washing his arm covered in blood. "No" I said, then I looked closer at his arm and it was a scratch. "Stiles, we did what we had too" I got tears filled up in my eyes possibly knowing my dad killed it. I walked up to my room and slammed the door shut then locked it. I looked over my desk and saw a file. It said file complete so knowing I thought I was gonna leave it in his room. I read over the case and it was the same accident that my dad told me before. There was pictures of the car with scratches knowing enough a werewolf caused this.

I read the entire thing and thought to myself. Maybe it was an accident, not a murder case. The werewolf was possibly either the dad or the daughter. But then they found the dad 3 years later in his house, emotionally sober most of the times. I saw and the girls name was Malia Tate that went missing. I might have figured out how this accident started. Malia was driving with her parent and then somehow got angry enough to transform and start the accident. I took the files and sticked it up my wall and started to gather my red strings. Then after I was finished I decided to fall asleep.

It was Saturday and I woke up really early, and that doesn't happen often. I got up and got dressed and was about to leave my room until my dad was in front of me. "Where are you going this early?" He said worried "Not really your problem" I tried to leave again until he brought me into a hug. I wanted to deny him but until I remembered she killed her entire family they ended up dead. I hugged him and then said "Just going to the animal clinic" He nodded and then let me go to my jeep. I got in and started to drive to the animal clinic.

Scott Pov:

We manage to heal it up and took night watches over it. I got some sleep and woke up really early to check on it. It was just laying there breathing softly over and over again. I looked at Deaton and he was reading the bestiary. "Ah Scott, awake this early?" He said with confidence "Why are you such in a good mood?" I said confused. He found a way to change her. By finding its anchor and allow the anchor touch it heart.

Then once he was done we saw Stiles jeep pull over and he started to make his way to us. He explained everything and what happened to it. I agreed what he thought and went back into thinking how we are gonna change her back into her human self.

Stiles Pov:

Scott was on his way out trying to find what he can that resembles as her anchor, Deaton and I stayed with her and he had to leave eventually to help a patient. I sat on the bench to her while she was resting. I was held my hand on her heart until she started to spas out. I got up and tried to held her tightly to clam her down, until I had a girl wrapped around my arms that was asleep.

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