Found You

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The knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts. I walked up to the TV and turned it off. Once I saw that there was nothing on the screen I walked to the door and put my hand on the knob. Turning the knob I see Mrs. Rosa and a man and in a suit.

"Hi" I say I look at Mrs. Rosa and she gives me a smile and mouthed the words 'don't worry'. I nod. I put my hand out and introduce my self to the man. "Hello, it's nice to meet you I'm Mikaylie." He nods and shakes my hand.

"I'm Mr.Phil. Let's just cut to the chase. So I heard you are looking for your birth parents?" He raises an eyebrow. I widen my eyes and I nod my head slowly.

"Did you find them?" I ask nervously after I swallow the lump in my throat. I always wanted to know who my parents ever since I found out I was 'adopted' which when I was when I was 10. If you wondering what I mean by 'adopted' I mean that I was kidnapped and everyone believed I was adopted until I was ten when I started asking questions and somehow word got out that I was kidnapped when I was 5.

"Yes and you may have heard of them." This got my attention. I look up with my eyebrows raised. I start thinking who could they be and going back in mind as far as I could go. If I knew of them why didn't they come looking for me. Why did they stop trying did they just give up. Why couldn't my parents someone like Reba and Narvel I mean they are still looking and it's been 10 years the same amount of time for me literally today is my birthday. I turned 15.

"Who are they?"

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