Spring Break Part 1

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A/N Hello everyone! So I bit off a little more than I could chew when I decided to extend this story. I originally wrote it for a contest, but I loved this AU so I started adding to it. Then life happened and I had a hard time getting back in to the mindset I had for the original story. I had to grow up the content a bit, but I'll keep it as PG as I can.

Here's what I got. I'm not thrilled with it, but—meh—whatever.

We've studied together before, but yet again, I see my roommate packing up his books.

"You're doing it again."

"Huh? Oh, sorry." He said, setting them back out.

"That's the second time tonight. I'm beginning to feel unwanted here."

"I told you, I'm not used to studying with other people."

"Ugh, you know what, forget it. I need a break." I said, dropping my book on the table and rubbing my eyes.

It was finals week and we were cramming. Well, I was. Ivan didn't need much help. He actually did his work over the semester.

Trying to get my mind off the equations buzzing in my jam packed brain, I turned to shallow small talk. "So where are you going for break?"

"I was going to stay on campus, but they decided to close it this year, so I guess I'll just be staying with my grandmother"

I cringed at the thought. "You should just come with us. We rented a place on the beach. You can just crash on the couch."

"Gil, your friends will not be okay with that."

Grant it, I did not apply much thought to my suggestion, but it was an obvious oversight. After putting aside my assumptions about him, I found that Ivan and I had a lot in common. Francis and Antonio, however, just weren't warming up to him. But I wasn't about to admit I didn't know what I had said.

"Come on, what's worse? Spending your vacation back home in Downers Park with your grandmother or... on a warm sunny beach with all the lovely ladies out sunning?"

He thought it over for second. "Fine. But if I walk in on anything weird, I'm hitchhiking home."

"Ha ha, alright! You'll see, it's gonna be great."

I then set out to tell Francis and Antonio, and I found them in the gymnasium, collapsed on the bleachers after having been crippled by their last exam.

"Quick, Gilbert, call the medic!" Said Francis , raising a limp arm out to me as I approached. "My Spanish test has killed me! This is the end!"

"Oh really? What's his problem then?" Antonio was as Spanish as his abuela's paella.

"I just don't like tests." He said, smiling cheekily as he folded his hands behind his head.

"Okay, get out!" I said, dramatizing my disappointment, "You obviously don't know how to college. You're done!"

"Finally!" said Antonio, springing to his feet. "Bye, everyone! I will remember you all in therapy!"

He darted for the door and I grabbed the back of his shirt.

"Get back here!" Even I can be confused by our absurdity. "I have to tell you guys something. Ivan is coming with us for spring break."

"What?" Francis bolted upright. "You invited him!"

"What's the big deal?"

"Well, for one, he didn't pay." Antonio pointed out, folding his arms across his chest.

"And has no sense of fashion."

"I'll get him to leave the flannel behind. And he's sleeping on the couch, he shouldn't have to pay the full amount."

"He never gets our jokes."

"And I've had better conversations with a flag pole." Added Francis, and Antonio stifled a laugh as he recalled Francis' drunken conversation.

I don't usually regret my decisions, but I was beginning to think that maybe Ivan would have been better off with his grandmother.

"We are going to be at the beach most of the time anyway. What's the worst that could happen?" I asked, but didn't give them time to answer. "Just trust me, guys."

Antonio sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine. If you are so insistent, Gilbert, then fine. He can come."

Francis growled and flopped back onto the bench. "I have been out voted."

Instead of studying, we were packing. We had arranged it so that as soon as our educational responsibilities were satisfied we could just jump in the car and drive.

I was excited for the trip, but I was snapped out of my stare out the window when a familiar song popped on the radio.

"Hey! What did you do that for?" Antonio complained.

"We were listening to that!"

Ivan told me about his aversion to Skull Smashers but not Francis and Antonio, so when the song came on, with no clue what to do, I just reached over and changed the station.

"Put it back on." Said Ivan and I looked over. He had a teasing smile on, like he thought my concern was funny. I figured out why when he held up a pair of sound-canceling headphones.

I rolled my eyes at him and switched the station back.

"Fine, but don't blame me if your taste in music grows stale."

"You're one to talk." Said Francis. "You're taste in music is staler than any of us."

We argued but I succeeded in hiding my real reason for changing the station.

Ivan didn't like to tell people about his parents and that was probably for the best in this case. Francis sometimes struggles to understand other people's problems. Antonio might understand, but parents are a sore subject for him since he grew up in foster care.

Despite the long drive we drove straight to the beach. We stayed there all day, even getting lunch and dinner at the stands there. It was dark before we finally got to our rental place.

It looked like where a bunch of broke college kids would stay. Outdated fixtures and sand everywhere. But there were three rooms, a small kitchen, and even a fireplace, so it worked for us.

Francis, Ivan and myself, took turns with our single shower to wash the sand and salt off before going to bed. Antonio just flopped on his bed and was out like a light.

The next day was much like the first, with all day beach bumming, except later that night we decided we'd go to a club. We had all just reached drinking age and were eager to meet some nice beach girls. I've had better ideas though.

Sorry. Cliffhanger. I'm still working on the other half. I figured I'd put something out though, since it's taken me this long. Let's see how long it will take me to finish the rest.

Catch ya in the next one.

C.C.-out! (^。^)╯

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