Spring Break Part 2

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The beer was warm, the women were cold, and I'm hot under the collar.

Apparently bar quality declines during spring break, probably due to the increase of customers. Despite this, my friends had still managed to drink themselves into a stupor. Not making them any more appealing to the already disinterested ladies. This caused the tactics that had served us well in getting dates to fail miserably.

The night was turning out to be a big disappointment—for Francis, Antonio, and myself that is. Ivan decided to sit this one out. Much to Francis and Antonio's glee.

"Well, this has been a letdown." Said Antonio, leaning up against the bar where I was getting our drinks.

"We tell no one about this when we get home." I said, handing Antonio a glass.

Francis sighed as he took his drink. "At this rate, we could have just brought Ivan."

I glanced sideways at him. I wasn't sure what he meant but after Antonio's comment I understood.

"Yeah, I doubt even his awkwardness could have made this venture any worse."

Ivan wasn't awkward, just quiet. Rather than argue, I tried to be more accurate. "He would just tell us we were drinking too much."

"Exactly!" Francis took a long drink from his wine glass. "He is a wet blanket. I'd say he is like my mother, but even she has better fashion sense."

"Don't worry, Franny." Said Antonio with a slight slur, as he slung an arm over Francis' shoulder. "I heard he could knit up something pretty for you."

"He knits! No wonder he's never got a girl. He's practically an old lady!"

My eye twitched a little. I was getting tired of them ragging on Ivan.

"Alright! Shut up the both of you. You don't even really know him."

"What's there to know?" said Francis, twirling the glass between his fingers. "He is boring, socially inept, and can't get a date."

"And you're a drunk man-slut!" I snapped.

"Okay, time to go." Said Antonio, hooking an arm around each of our necks. "You two only get like this when you're drunk and you are officially drunk, so now it is time to go home."

Realizing Antonio was right, we just stared stupidly as he dragged us out of the club.

When we finally stumbled back, the house was dark and I assumed Ivan had gone to bed. However, when we got inside and turned on the lights we found him on the couch... with a girl.

"Uh. Evening, boys." He greeted, sitting up.

Francis and I stood frozen in the doorway with our eyes wide and mouths agape. On the other hand, Antonio even in his still slightly inebriated state found tremendous irony in the situation and broke in to peals of laughter. Still doubling over with laughter, he blew past Francis and I's stunned forms to the fridge and started to rummage around.

"Who is this?" I finally managed to ask, closing the door behind me.

"Guys, this is Elizabeta."

"Hi." She said, waving uncomfortably.

"Elizabeta, these are the guys I was telling you about, Francis, Antonio, and my roommate Gilbert."

"Nice to meet you." Antonio managed to say through his laughter, taking out his leftover nachos from yesterday.

"Um, I have to go." Said Elizabeta, taking her purse as she got up.

"I'll see you out." Said Ivan, following her, pausing to push aside Francis who had not moved since he'd walked in.

"I had a really good time tonight." She said, at the door.

"I had a good time too." Said Ivan.

"Call me sometime." She pecked him on the cheek before closing the door behind her, leaving Ivan to stand there with a dopy grin on his face as Antonio and I whooped.

"So what happened to the sock rule?" I teased, plopping down on the couch.

"Hey, it's not like that. She's a nice girl." Said Ivan, still grinning like an idiot.

"Yeah, sure." Said Antonio, reclining back on the couch, taking the other two thirds of it. They had their doubts but it didn't seem like Ivan's style to me.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait!" Said Francis, snapping back to his senses. "How did you get a girl."

"I don't know." Ivan insisted, sitting against the fireplace he had lit. The romantic dork. "I was just sitting on the beach and she and her friends came over to see the sand sculpture I was making."

"You were making a sandcastle?" said Antonio, swatting my hand away as I tried to steal his nachos. "God you're such a nerd."

"I may be a nerd, but judging by the heavy sent of alcohol the three of you brought in here I'd say you struck out tonight?"

His eyes narrowed. "Well played, Braginski."

"Wait. Are we going to gloss over the fact that she has friends?" I interrupted.

"Yeah, Francis, your fired. Ivan, you are now my official wingman." Said Antonio.

"Hey, why am I fired? He got lucky."

"As hard a sell as you guys would be, they said they would be back tomorrow."

I sat back with a satisfied grin. Ivan really could handle himself.

They still didn't mesh very well, but I could say that Ivan at least impressed them, enough to hang out with him for the rest of spring break instead of hitting up the clubs again.

We did see Elizabeta again. We met her friends and ended up having a good time with them. Except one of them had a brother. He was chaperoning their vacation and made sure that none of us got their numbers by the end of break.

Even though we drove away empty handed, and with bad sunburn, I came back to campus very pleased with myself. Not only did Ivan have more fun coming with us, had we gone by ourselves the trip would have been a boring mess of drinking and rejection. I had been right the whole time. Our vacation had been saved by my awesomeness! With some help from Ivan.

N/A Oh hey, look an update! So yeah, this took me way too long for what I got, but believe it or not I do have one more chapter to add to this story. That one shouldn't take me as long since it is half finished. Anyway thanks everyone for reading and being patient. You are all awesome!

C.C.-out! (^。^)╯

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