Chapter 1

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Song for this chapter is "Two Is Better Than One" by Boys Like Girls


So, the letter wasn't the best idea of how to get my feeling across to her. It was the only way. She wouldn't answer my calls or, coincidentally, she wasn't home. I needed to tell her how much I was going to miss her and that it wasn't the easiest decision to make. Five years later, she's still the only girl I think about. I always thought about coming back home and finding her still the same girl I fell in love with. In a perfect world, she would be single and ready to pick up where we left off, but I knew that she would meet someone. Someone who loved her, someone who made her happy and made her smile. Who wouldn't fall in love with Isabelle?

I woke up to the brightness of the early morning sun gleaming into my bedroom. I slowly got up, knowing I was going to be terribly sore from last night's game. Why wouldn't I be sore? It was a championship game and, of course, we won.

The phone started to ring, and I looked at the caller i.d., wondering who would call me so early in the morning. It was my agent, Ryan, the only person I know who wakes up at 6 a.m.

"Hello," I said with a sleepy voice.

"Hey Austin, I didn't wake you did I?"

"No, I was already starting to get up anyways. What's going on?"

"I just wanted to congratulate you on your win last night. That was quite a game, my man."

"Well, I wasn't the only one out there, Ryan."

"Well, you were the only one who earned me two million dollars," he said while laughing.

I laughed and said, " I thought you said it wasn't all about the money."

"Well, sometimes it is, especially when they doubled the amount from last year. Look, we should go out and celebrate tonight, if you haven't done so already last night."

"Now you know there is no other person I'd rather go out and celebrate two million dollars with."

Ryan laughed and said, "Alright sounds good. I'll call you later with the details."

"Alright, bye," I said and hung up the phone. Ryan was practically my right hand man. He has been there ever since I got picked up to a professional team. He's the type of guy who is always looking for the next big thing. In college, Ryan saw how much potential I had. Something about me knew I would make Ryan rich and famous, and just like Ryan, he sure didn't turn the offer down to take me on as a client. Ryan was more of a best friend than anything else. Ryan had a ton of clients but always managed to put me ahead of the crowd.

I got dressed in my running gear, as I tried to convince myself that running through the soreness would be just what I needed.


Later that day, Ryan called me and told me to meet him at the best restaurant in L.A., The Chateau. I walked through the doors and noticed that Ryan was sitting at one of tables near the windows. I walked over to the table and saw that Ryan was already digging into a Caesar salad.

I sat down and said, "Couldn't wait till I got here, huh."

Ryan smiled and said, "Hey, I was starving, and you were taking forever to get here."

The waitress came by to take my order. As she left to go retrieve my meal, I said, "I had to make some last minute arrangements."

"What kind of arrangements do you mean," Ryan said not even looking up from his plate.

"I'm going back to Arizona."

Ryan put his fork down and looked up at me with a very serious face and said, "What do you mean you mean you're going back to Arizona? You can't just pick up and leave."

"Ryan, calm down. It's not permanent, I just need to take care of a few things back home."

The serious look from Ryan's face slowly dissipated when he found out it wasn't a permanent leave and said, "Aw, I see what your doing. You're going back home to see that girl you told me about. What's her name?"

"That's not the only reason I'm going back. If I run into her, then it's no big deal. And her name is Isabelle."

"Austin, I've known you for five years, and in those five years I've never seen you with another girl. I know for a fact that you are still in love with Isabelle. You may say that she isn't the only reason why you're going back, but the truth is she's the only reason."

"I miss her, Ryan. I know my going back is five years past due, but I can't stop thinking about her. I hated how we left things."

"Well, when you see her, I hope you apologize for that corny letter," Ryan teases as he smiles.

I smiled and said, "The letter was all I could think about at the time. I had to get my point across."

"Well, this better be temporary cause next season starts in six months, and I need my favorite client on the court. Get the girl and come back."

I smiled and said, "If only it was that easy." My food finally came and Ryan and I sat there the rest of evening and talked about plans for next season, he was back in his element now.


I got up early and packed my bags in the trunk of my black Chevy truck. I chose to drive because I figured I would draw too much attention to myself in the airport. I didn't want to be bothered by all of the Paparazzi and fans. I wanted to show up to Sedona unannounced and surprise Isabelle. It was a seven-hour drive, and I needed time to think.

The whole drive, I thought about what to say to her when I would see her. I even thought about the first time we met.

My friend, Jake, and I got there a little late, a little pre-party celebration. I saw her sitting at one of the tables, out on the deck, all by herself. She was the most beautiful girl at the party, and I wondered why I never saw her in school.

I went over to the table and sat down next to her and said, "Great party, huh."

She looked up at me, apparently surprised at my question, "Yeah, it is."

"Too bad you can't enjoy it, cause you're too busy sitting here all by yourself," I said, smiling at her.

"It's very possible to enjoy a party while sitting down," she said, smiling back at me.

"Well, yeah you're definitely proving your point. You don't mind if I keep you company do you," I said as I got comfortable in my seat.

"You don't have to. I know you rather be in there with all your friends and all the pretty cheerleaders," she said, still smiling.

"You're right, I don't have to, but I want to. Don't you think a jock and cheerleader being together is a little cliche," I said as I flashed her my winning smile.

She laughed, and the whole night we just sat there and talked. I drove her home and from that night on we were happy and in love. I'll always remember that laugh. I'd give anything to hear that laugh again.

As I came out of my little reverie, I thought to myself that I was going to Sedona completely blind-sighted. I had no idea whether she had met someone or whether she was married. I guess I was hoping for the best - that she was single, waiting for me to come home one day to her. Maybe we could just pick up where we left off, if that was ever possible. I had a lot of time on my hands, six hours and fifty-eight minutes to be exact.

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