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So  SillySaurusWriting Tagged me in a chapter when like 3 weeks ago. Idk. *note my auto correct doesn't work

So she challenge some people and I to write a chapter about something (goes back to chapter) you think is important.

So the first topic that comes to my mind is Confidence. Self confidence something people don't have and something I have alot of. Irl I'm known for being the Jock, Gamer, Geek, Scolar, music genius, the savage person who makes banter insults without having to say a word to make it hurt.

Ya the point is I have a high confidence level. I don't care what people think about me what they say. I just be me. Now I know some of you people might me saying. Anna then why you don't show your face. Cause 1.) I will remain anonymous and when I want to do a face revel I will. 2.) I don't like taking pictures.

Now back to the point. People doubt themselves bring themselves down.

If someone walks up to you say your ugly. Don't try to change yourself. Don't spend hours fixing your hair. Like dude the person who called you ugly wasted 2 seconds of their lives telling you that. What does that tell you. They are so jealous of you that they put time to bring you down.

If your playing a sport. Walk on the court/field with style confidence. Put your head up. Its good to be cocky sometimes but not to cocky.
Like dude I'll challenge you at any sport right bow.

When I played my first regional tennis tournament. I lost every single match. Yes I didn't even win one. And what did the old be do. Nothing. I came off the court with the same face.

If you walk up to me say your going to beat. Hey just make sure your racket is up during doubles. Cause I will personally hurt you.
And if your my friend I will tell you this.

Why you may ask. Cause I have confidence in myself that I'll hit you and I will. Cause I don't miss.

Never doubt yourself. On a test in a play anything. Keep your head up. Never give up.

Don't listen to people. Always pick the root that you can go forward never back.

Don't listen to haters their just gonna hate so just shake it off.

Yes I just did a Taylor Swift joke.

But I'm going to end it there.

And I'll tag some people. You guys have to write a chapter or book on a topic thats important to you and publish it.



So peace out and keep on loving Creepers.


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