Part 1.

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you might think it's moving fast but they've been unofficially dating throughout X-Factor. :))
This is my first proper story.
I'm only 14 so please don't criticise too much as I'm not experienced.

"And the second act going through to the final is..."

I stand there on the X-factor stage, with my four bandmates.
My heart is pounding out of my chest, I can hear a ringing in my ears.
This is it, were one of the three acts left, we can do this.
I feel a hand slip into mine, I look up and I see Harry, he looks proper scared.
I give his hand a reassuring squeeze and slightly smile at him.

For a second I get lost in his green eyes and forget that were on the stage awaiting our fate.
I'm finally snapped back to reality when I hear one word:


We've lost, I look around at my friends, they all look gutted, and I assume I don't look any better.

We turn to congratulate Rebecca and we all give her a hug as she's ushered off stage.
I look at Harry, he looks about ready to break down.
I give him a quick hug, when all the other boys come back over, we all hug each other.

"So boys, it's been great having you, Louis how do you think this has helped you all grow as artists?" the Interviewer asks.

"Well I think it's been a great experience for all of us, none of us have really sang in front of such big crows before so it's definently helped in that aspect, we've also gotten a lot of vocal training."

"Well that's great Louis, Zayn, what do you think is going to happen to one direction now?" he asks Zayn this time.

"this isn't the end of One Direction, I know we've gotten quite fond of each other," he says while looking at me and Harry directly.
I feel my cheeks heat up and I look to the ground thanks Zayn, I think to myself.
"This definently isn't the end of One Direction." he finishes.

I hope he's right, this has been one of the best experiences I've ever had, I've also met my brothers, and a certain curly haired boy that I may fancy quite a bit.
But how couldn't you? those curls and them green eyes, he's perfect.

We get one last thank you from the judges and then we were taken to the side.
As we were alone we took the moment to just talk.

"You know I meant what I said, I really don't want this to be the end of One Direction." Zayn says with a half smile, although he still looked sad.

I decided to chime in, "I'm sure it won't be the last of us, come on lads, we know we can do it." I say trying to cheer everyone up.
It must of worked because I look around and we're all smiling again.
I see Harry next to me, I decide to be bold and take his hand in mine, he tenses but then relaxes and it makes me even happier that he'd hold my hand infront of people for no reason this time.

"Okay well I'm not sure what's going to happen but I hope it's good." Harry says shyly, an evident blush on his cheeks, he's always been the quiet one.

We see Rebecca, she comes over to us.
"I'm sorry you all didn't get through, I don't know why you didn't, you have more fans than I do, you are all very talented." she says with a look of remorse on her face.

"It's fine, trust me love, we are all glad you got through, I hope you win." Liam says.

She thanks us then gets told it's time to leave.
We say our final goodbyes and then she's gone.
We were being honest, if anyone should win its her, she's worked the hardest out of all of us.

I look over at Harry and decide to take him over to an area where no one is.
We walk over, with his hand still in mine, and sit on one of the lounges, I look around and see that it actually is quite secluded.
It's probably the most quiet part of the room, perfect.

"Hey Hazza, I don't know what happens from here but.. we've really been connecting through out these short months, I just wanted to know what's going to happen to us, I don't want to lose you Curly."

"Lou that's really sweet, I don't want to loose you either, I think we should be more than friends." he says awkwardly, that's my Hazza for you.

"Well Harry Styles, will you do the honour of being my boyfriend?"

"Yes Louis Tomlinson, I will." he says with a small laugh at how dramatic this is.

I smile, a really big smile and practically leap on the boy, hugging him as tight as I can without hurting him.
He hugs me back twice as hard.
Before breaking our hug and give him a quick kiss on the cheek, it was cute how straight after I did his cheeks heated up and went all red.

"Let's go join up with the other boys, boyfriend." Harry says cheekily.

"Okay, boyfriend."

It sounds childish but I think we're just so happy to have each other.

We walk over to the other lads, hand in hand, while having the biggest grins on our faces.
Niall is the first one to notice.

"What's made you two so happy?" he says with a wink.
"Do you want to tell them or should I?"
"You can Boobear." Harry chimes in using my childhood nickname.
"Okay, well it's official, me and haz are dating." I say with a smug smile.

I can see the boys faces light up when I tell them, then they all start cheering for us and we both get tackled into a group hug.
I'm glad they took it well and aren't homophobic.

"I knew this would happen sooner or later, just a matter of time." Liam says.
As I go to reply I hear,

"One Direction, Simon Cowell would like to see you all in his office immediately."

Little did we know our life was about to change.

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