My teen life

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My name is Ava Lavine, I'm an 11 grader, 16 years old so yes I'm a teenager, I hate my life and you know why?? Because.... my dad is an alcoholic my mom owns a cafe, usually my dad isn't home because he's always busy drinking in the clubs with other woman, my mom lost interest in him when he started drinking too much. My mom's busy at her cafe 24/7 that's what I think because she comes home when I'm asleep she goes at work when I'm not even up for school so I don't get to see her all day . I don't have siblings but I have one best friend and her name is Jess, she's everything to me. We were friends since 1st grade, she has a habit of changing boyfriends every month not that she sleeps with them but she says she's just waiting for the "One" I tell her its no use, she's just wasting her time on male-hoes.
Anyways, I am the kind of girl who's a nightmare to every guy, no one even notices me but once when the geek of the school "Jacob Henderson" was interested in me I punched his face so hard that he had a bad nose bleed since then no guy looks up at me, sad. But that happened a long time ago when I was in fifth grade, I don't understand why do people don't notice me but they always seem to notice my best friend, its not like I'm jealous but it just confuses me because people say that "Be with rich famous kids and you'll get popular in a blink of an eye" but I don't think that's true.

Hi lovelies!! A new story! Hope you enjoy!
Above is the the picture of Ava Lavine.

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