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If you haven't seen the newest MyStreet, GO WATCH IT NOW!! DON'T LOOK AT THE PICTURE IF YOU HAVEN'T!!!

For all of you that have, SSQQQUUEEEEEE!!! I'M FANGIRLING SO HARD!!! (that sounds wrong)



Friday, there was a dance at my school called the "Snow Ball" I'm serious. Anywho! I was wearing black jeggings and a long, white butterfly dress (its by Candies) and had my hair in a long, side braid. I went and hung out with my friends and had a good time. But the thing that truly made it the best night PRETTY MUCH of my life, it what happened to me.

Let me explain what a ball is. A ball is a type of dance where there are two sides. One side has boys and the other side has girls. One couple starts off by dancing and others join in. As the music plays, the people switch partners. Yeah. Have you ever seen Cinderella? Yeah that thing.

Aaannnywwho! When the DJ announced the dance, I sadly sat on the bleachers cuz I didn't have a date. The song "One thousand Years" came on as they were starting. And OF COURSE!! The starting couple was my crush and his girlfriend.

At that time, I had no idea how a ball worked. I fake gaged as M (that's all I'm giving you for my crush's name) and Mica (Not saying her real name. Only a bit of it) danced. I said to myself "Great! Now i can NEVER listen to this song again without thinking of this! Bleh!". Then the DJ said to switch partners. I looked and saw M going to my friend Jica (same goes with her).

I got up and lagit just stood there playing with the end of my side braid singing to the song. I glanced up at him a few times as if directing the song to him (which I was). The DJ said to switch partners and he went up to another one of my friends. I did the same thing and quietly sang along to the song.

After a few minutes or so (I wasn't really paying attention to the time) the DJ (once again) said to switch. I stood there thinking in my head "Please please please!".

Guess what happened!!! He came up to me!! AAHHHHH!!!! *Ahem*. So yeah. I had never ballroom danced/ slow danced before cause I'm lonely so it was new. He put his hands on my waist and I put my hands on my shoulders (I said I had never danced like that before... It doesn't mean I haven't seen it).

We looked into each other's eyes and danced. He said to me "You look really beautiful tonight." and smiled. I almost died. I suddenly got shy and could do nothing but smile and look at the floor. The DJ said to switch so we did....... DEMN IT DJ!!

I went over to my friends (which are all younger than me) and asked them if they saw. Of course, they said no. I told my friend Alex (her real name isnt that. I just call her that because 1 I don't remember her name and 2 last year she looked exactly like Alex from Minecraft). She squealed when I told her.

I went over to my other friend Alex (lets just call her Al.P. in here). She was dancing with her friend China and both of our friend Brittany. I asked Al.P. if she was what just happened and she said she didn't. She asked what happened and I said I danced with my crush. She got really excited for me and asked who it was. I said "I'll give you a hint. He's in our grade." She said that doesn't really help. I said "He has a girlfriend" ......I added "And he's standing behind you.". Cause of course, he was dancing with Mica and Jica....maybe a few other people.... Idk.

She turned and looked. She turned back at me. " YOU LIKE M (She said his actual name)?!" I nodded. "Aww! Congrats!". I got a bit shy.

For the rest of the night, we just kept dancing (Me, Al.P., Brittany, China, and my other friend who I will refer to as C). It was really fun!! :3

AAAAAAAANNNNYYWWWHHHOOOO!! Time skip to now! Aphmau just uploaded this vid. Yeah. The pic explains it all. I also had pizza for dinner so BONUS!! X3

Hope you guys enjoyed......what ever this was..... I hope that you guys have a good Sunday!! Bye!!! ^3^ 💜

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