Chapter 2

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I sighed as I watch Niall stumble around his kitchen shirtless and trying to make a simple pancake.

"Do you want help with that mate?" I asked, he just gave me a sour look. "No Jared, I can do it on my own!" he snapped. His morning didn't go so well. His alarm clock went off, he fell out of bed, slipped in the shower, and apparently burned his breakfast. "Man, my day's already started off pretty bad, eh?" he sighed and flopped down next to me with a bowl of grapes.

"So, you said you had to go to Ed's today? To pick up a song?" I asked trying to make conversation. "yeah...He's supposed to have it today, but i have until next Thursday to get it before our tour.." He said peeling the skin off of the tangy fruit. "mm, I wonder how Sam is this morning...." he said randomly. I shrugged.

After.."breakfast", Niall and I drove off to Ed's flat.

"Sorry man, the song's not done, I've been stuck on the first chorus still" the ginger explained. Niall run his hand through his hair again and looked at me.

"Anyway, would you like some tea? It's quite cold out." Ed offered. Niall shook his head and our friend went off to make his beverage. "so Niall, how's your little friend Samantha?" We heard Ed's voice from the kitchen. "Oh she's alright, I saw her yesterday. We talk for a bit and then we played with her Legos." he sighed and leaned back on the couch.

"tsk tsk tsk, poor girl...I'd hate to imagine what it's like." Ed said taking a seat in the large chair. "what's like?"

"her sickness. Seeing things, hearing things, having those awful breakdowns...screaming crying and scared all the time" as he shook his head, his red hair dusted from side to side.

"Sam's never done any of that when I was around. She's always laughing and playing with Legos on the floor...but there was one time when she made me playing with her little brother"

"oh, does he visit her too?"

"he's dead."

The look on Ed's face was only a second then he shook his head and laughed. "what's so funny?" Niall asked sitting up. "Oh nothing.." "you know you're going to tell me anyway" "I was just thinking how you two are so alike.." Ed sighed.

"What do you mean we're alike?"

Ed waved a hand and set his cup on the table. "Never mind Niall, let's go work on that song, shall we?" Niall nodded and looked at me. "Do you think Sam and i are alike?" he asked. "I dunno, I mean you both are sweet and funny, but that's about it" I shrugged. Ed just shook his head and chuckled at the two of us.

The song Ed had come up with was brilliant so far, all he was missing was a couple of words and it'll be complete.

Niall and I went out for food then. I didn't eat because I wasn't hungry, but Niall bought the lot. "you know, I've been thinking of a way to let Sam know about the tour next week" He said nibbling on his chicken. "Really? How?" I asked leaning on my elbows and watching him in amusement. "Just tell her I'm sick" he said holding his arms out for approval.

"For 6 months?"

"make up an excuse then, say I'm busy or working or on a date or whatever..." Niall sipped his drink.

I shook my head. "whatever you say Niall..." I sighed and watched the snow fall. "it's quite pretty you know, every snowflake is different" he said looking at the white puffs falling against the window. "hmm yeah, I guess" "is there anything else I can get you sir?" The waitress scared both of us. "Oh no I'm fine. Jared? You haven't eaten all day, you sure you don't want anything?" Niall asked. "nah I'm good" I smiled.

The waitress glanced from me to Niall with a strange expression. "uhh, so that's a no?" she asked Niall.


She nodded and walked off, still glancing back at Niall. I had noticed some other people were pointing and whispering, some were starring at Niall and then to me. "Man, some people are just plain rude huh?" Niall snapped my attention back to him. "huh?" "all these people starring.." "it's probably because you're famous Niall.." I smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Speaking of which, do you mind me going to Liam's for night? The lads are all staying there and watching movies all know a band thing" He explained. "no, no not at all. Go have fun with the rest of One Direction" I smiled. "Thanks buddy" Niall said and raised his cup. Since I didn't have one, I poked it with my hand.

Niall drove to Liam's and was greeted at the door. "Hey Niall!" Liam smiled. I could see Zayn and Louis peeking from behind him. "Hey guys, Jared isn't staying by the way, he's just going to drive my car back home and pick me up tomorrow evening" Niall explained.

The boys exchanged looks and shrugged to each other. "A-All right then?" Liam said cautiously. Niall held out his keys for me to take.

"Uh no thanks man, it's your car and it's snowy I don't wanna wreck it. I'll walk back to your flat and walk back here tomorrow. M kay?" I asked stepping down off of the steps.

"Well, if you're sure then, see ya buddy!" Niall waved me goodbye and Liam gave me a strange look. After Niall disappeared inside, I turned back to the snowy road and began my journey home.

I just hoped the boys didn't give Niall a hard time like they usually do.

If only Niall knew...



A/N: Hey guys I REALLY hope you like it so far, because there is going to be a super surprise twist coming up:)




Please??? :)


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