Chapter 4

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I stared at Niall for a bit.

"Niall was kind of obvious you know" I stated. Niall sighed heavily and gave me a look.

"Obivious how?''

"you see her almost everyday....what made you finally see it?''

He made a face. "when she had her head on my shoulder and I was singing.....I realized that I wanted to do whatever to keep her happy..." and that as his last note, then he climbed out of the car.

Snowflakes caught in his hair as he slumped down on the cold porch.

Niall stayed outside for a couple of hours singing the song he and Ed were working on. I sat there watching him tap his fingers trying to make a beat as he made up lyrics.

Sooner or later he came in.

While he was eating, Liam called Niall.

Their tour was in a few days.

"Well...can we stop by the hospital on our way?"

"its just insanly important Li!! Please?"

"Thank you! bye!"

Apparently the day they leave on tour is the last day Niall can see Sam for 6 months.

The next day Niall and I went to see Ed to see if he had the song ready for the next day.

"Sorry guys, but I haven't finished it." Ed shrugged and set Niall's tea down and sipped his own.

"that's alright, maybe we can release it after the tour and put it on the yearbook album" he smiled. Ed nodded and leaned back.

"so did you see Samantha yesterday?" he asked. Niall popped up and began the lovely story of yesterday.

Around 9:00 at night, Niall was packed for the tour and he lugged his suitcase into Harry's flat. "you guys ready for a tour?" Liam asked and they hit high fives.

"g'night guys I'm hitting the hay weve got a long day ahead of us." Niall yawned and headed upstairs.

The rest of the boys crashed downstairs and talked about Zayn's girlfriend Perri and how many girls they would meet on tour.

Not one of the boys had noticed me, because to them I was invisble and Niall was the only person I could trust.

In the morning, the boys ate a quick breakfast and got on the waiting tour bus.

Niall sat and talked with me and then I saw the hospital come into view. "alright guys you have 10 minutes and that's all I can give you." the driver said. Shockingly, the other boys were coming with us.

The same nurse lead down the hallway. When we all piled in Sam was backed against the wall and staring at them all with scared eyes.

"hey Sam..." Niall gripped her hands and lifted her gently. "I'm going with my friends on a little trip and you won't see me for a little while, will you be alright?" Niall asked. Sam hugged him tightly and nodded. "well Jared is going to stay with you alright?" he explained.

I watched the boya give Sam an awkward smile and a small wave. Liam and Zayn were the only two who understood why Niall visits Sam all the time. Unlike Harry, they don't talk about her being crazy, instead they say "mentally disabled". Which is alot more respectful.

After they all left Sam looked at me with tears plowing out.

"Whats wrong sam?"

She didn't answer she just slid back down the wall with a smile and tears running down her face.



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