It begins

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Two boys, Haruka Nanase and Rei Ryuugazaki, with the same dream.

The school bell rings at three PM, alerting that school is over and it's time for summer break.
"Haru~!" Rei lays his arms around Haruka's shoulders in a hug from behind. Haruka, as usually doesn't react surprised, he knew that this would happen. Rei leans his head forward near Haruka's ear. "Let's go somewhere nice, just the two of us", he whispers. Haruka's face expression never changes, it's the same neutral look all the time.
Cherry blossom petals falls beautifully onto them from the big cherry tree outside the school area as they walk next each other hand in hand. The bright sun makes their eyes water. Rei moves his hand to Haruka's face and wipes that one falling tear with a smile on his face.

Soon they are at a beach, all by themselves. It's quiet. All they hear is the waves that hits the surface.
Rei puts his backpack on the warm sand and pulls out a picnic blanket. "You planned this, didn't you?" Haruka asks him. Rei just smiles at him. "Help me out with the blanket, Haru."
Said and done.
Haruka looks at the shiny water infront of them. "Go for it." Rei says and pats Haruka's back. As expected Haruka undresses under ten seconds and runs into the water. He always wears his swim pants under his clothes just in case. Rei undresses as well and flexes with his muscles. Haruka on the other hand is already far away from the shore since his swimming technique is so fast. He just lays on his back on the surface and daydreams. Rei jumps into the water and swims like a butterfly like usual. "I knew you would like this", Rei says with a smile. "Shall we go back to the beach?" Without a sound Haruka starts swimming back to the beach, so does Rei. Haruka flips his wet black hair to get the hair out of his face.
Later both of them lays down next to each other on the picnic blanket. The suns is setting. "It was nice." Rei starts. "Being here alone with you." Haruka glares at him. And Rei glares back and goes in for a kiss.
Haruka keeps looking into his eyes, blushing. Rei smiles.

On their way home it's rather quiet between them. "We should do this again", Rei says and waves as they go their separate ways. Haruka doesn't seem to be able to stop looking back at Rei as he walks home. It's dark now.

Haruka sits on the floor next to his bed with is phone. A text message from Rei pops up on the phone screen.

"Meet me under the old cherry tree tomorrow at 12 pm – Rei"

"What for? – Haruka"

"I have a surprise. – Rei"


In the morning Haruka dresses up in blue striped T-shirt and brown pants. He looks into the mirror and flips with his hair. He goes outside in the hot weather with the same neutral expression on his face.
He looks down on his phone, but no message from Rei yet. It's 11:54 AM. He sighs and starts walking a bit faster so he won't be late.
"Haru!" Rei waves at him running into his arms and hugs him. "Guess what."
Haruka shrugs while looking at him. "I bought us a ticket to Tokyo, together with Gou, Nagisa, Rin and Makoto." Rei smiles and points towards a table where the friends sits.
Haruka approaches them. "Hey, did you all know about this trip, except me?"
Rei gently pushes Haruka down on a chair to sit on. "It was a surprise for all of us, Rei told us before he told you. " Gou says. A short redheaded girl, little sister to Rin.
A short blonde boy almost jumps as high as the table's height in excitement. "Calm, Nagisa", Makoto says while he rubs his knuckles on his head.
"All of us are going to a summer trip to Tokyo!" Nagisa yells in excitement. "Can we go to the beach? Watch movies all night? Eat a lot? Play on the beach? Go to the zoo? Go to the-". Gou punches Nagisa in the chest to shut him up before he can finish the sentence.
Everyone drinks their water and sodas while Haruka just looks at everyone while they are talking.

"We leave tomorrow at 10 AM! Let's meet here!" Rei yells to everyone and then runs towards his own house. Everyone goes back to their homes around 5 PM. Haruka on the other hand walks into a store full of sweets and chocolates. The store is almost only covered in white. White curtains, white hearts, white walls, white floor, white chocolate and even the workers are wearing white.
It's like in March when it's White Day, but it's July now. They still sell items like white chocolate in only one store around there.

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