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I was in a state of dreaming. I was in a densely forested place and I didn’t have any shoes on and barely any clothes on. Something about the scene was so enchanting, the closeness to the trees and the grass under my toes. Oddly enough I felt nothing but at home in the wilderness. I suddenly got a bad feeling in my gut, that feeling that tells you to turn around because the boogieman is behind you. I felt iron clad hands go around my waist at that second and panicked. I jumped out of my bed gasping.

            “What the hell are you doing in my house?!!” I tried to yell. The guy who had been all cryptic at the pier was in my house, in my room, covering my mouth with his big strong hand. I started thrashing around freaking out, I’m little but I wasn’t going to go down easy.

“Stop moving around squirt. I promise you I’m not some crazy psycho who wants to kill you even though this does look bad.” He chuckled.

“Squirt? Squirt! What do you think this is Finding Nemo?!” I whispered yell once he hesitantly moved his hand away.

            He chuckled again, I guess Jimmy Kimmel has some competition if I keep it up. I stared at the guy sitting next to me on the side of my bed. He was a big guy, I’d say easily 6’2 or 6’3 and had wide shoulders. He was a block of a man but had narrow hips and I stared up at his face. In the semi-darkness of my room I could distinguish his dark brown hair that was growing out from a buzz. I couldn’t tell if his eyes were dark or not but I couldn’t get over how handsome his facial features were. He had a nice angular nose and dark eyebrows and delicate lips that anyone would be jealous to have. And then I saw those lips turn up into an arrogant smirk and my face instantly became tense.

“Like what you see?” He asked.

“Puh-lease unless you are Ryan Gosling shutup.” I retorted. He smiled and shook his head.

“Alright Iris, its starting tonight are you ready?” He turned to me.

“How do you know my name and how did you get in my house and what the hell is going to happen?” I was getting tired of this.

His face got serious, “My Name is Warren Haile and lets just say that your house isn’t the

most advanced in security. Have you heard of a dead bolt?”

“Tuh, whatever, now the big question is why are you here and how do you know me but I have no clue who you are?” I leaned closer.

He put his hand to my face and held the side of my face, “I’m here because I am your watcher and it’s your time to transform, its happening now I feel it.”

            I moved my face away from him, Warren the Watcher. I looked at my hands and my petite feet; I wasn’t sprouting a third limb so I don’t have any clue of the “transformation”. Warren grabbed my hand and took me to my full body mirror by my closet. He moved behind me and pushed my hair to one side to reveal my right ear.

“What the fuck!?”I gasped and stepped closer to my mirror while my hand flew up to my now slightly pointed ear. I pushed the other side of my hair to see the same slightly pointed ear on my left “What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck?” I turned to Warren and grabbed the collar of his shirt. “What the fuck is happening to me?!” I whisper shrieked at him. I couldn’t wake up my father, you know me having an unknown man in here wouldn’t bode well with him.

            Warren step closer, “Don’t be ashamed of what’s happening to you, humans would kill to be an inkling of what you are.”

Humans? Oh dear god. “Am I a fucking elf? So help me god if I’m sent up to the North Pole to help that fat bastard I’ll kill myself Warren.”

Warren had to hold in his guffaw at that one, “No you idiot you aren’t an elf even though we are close descendants. You my dear are becoming a fae.”

“Fae? As in Fairy? As in Tinkerbell? As in I’m not fucking human anymore?” I started to hyperventilate.

Warren eyed me carefully and nodded.

This can’t be real life. I sat on the floor and grabbed my head in between my hands and started rocking back and forth. This was too much for me to handle. I didn’t even know what I was thinking at that moment. My head was ready to burst. I quietly felt Warren sit down beside me and just stay quiet while I pulled myself together. I was never really one to loose hold of my inner emotions like that but right now I wasn’t worried about how I looked. I was trying to wrap my head around reality. I thought fairies were in fairytales pardon the pun. Why me? Why now?

Suddenly I fell flat on the floor from my previous position. I started mentally freaking out. Thankfully Warren grabbed my hand at that same moment and I stilled. My body was revolting against my inner brain. I couldn’t control my body, try as I might I couldn’t move my hand. I was a stone. I couldn’t even move my mouth.

It’ll be okay Iris, this happens when you’re transforming.” I heard in my head. The thing is, it wasn’t my voice. It was Warren. I looked at him and he hadn’t moved his lips but had a small smile. Wait what? I tried thinking what I wanted to say. “Am I hearing you through my…brain?” I asked meekly. “Yes, we can all communicate through our heads.” He replied. This is ridiculous. “You’re going to stay paralyzed for 12 hours and sleep it all off and once you wake up you’ll wake up to your fae senses.” He said aloud. So much had happened in less then 2 hours and normally my brain would reject even the smallest idea of this but this truly was happening. I resigned myself. This really was real and it really was happening to me. I just had to come to terms to it and quickly if I might add.

Don’t leave me tonight Warren.”

Never, I’m you’re watcher.” He replied while picking my limp body and placing me back in my bed under the covers.


“Would you look at that, the first night and I’m already in your bed. Tisk-Tisk.” Giving me a wicked grin he layed next to me.

Touch me and die.” I said before giving in to the dark blanket of drowsiness.


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