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I groggily open my eyes and turn my head to look at the clock on my nightstand. 9:30 AM stares back at me. I jump out of bed freaking out; I’m going to be so late to class. While scrounging through my closet to find a random t-shirt I hear a deep chuckle coming from my bed. I turn slowly to see Warren still laying on top of my bed laughing at me.

“I hope you know that you don’t have school on Saturdays.” He smirks.

I pick up my phone to realize that it is indeed Saturday. Then everything from last night hits me like a very heavy bag of bricks. I go to my mirror and look at myself looking for a third eye and four arms.

phew, besides the freaky ears there’s nothing really out of the ordinary.” I think to myself.

Your ears are not freaky so stop saying that, now if you could stop freaking out every two seconds I’ll let you know how you’ve changed now.” Warren says in my head.

“I’m sorry but the whole telepathy thing is really weird, I feel like I’m Edward Cullen.” I tell him aloud as I sit on the edge of my bed.

Warren moves from the bed to stand across from me leaning on my wall. The sunshine shines from my window onto his face and he looks oh so heavenly.

            “Thank you doll but please try to focus right now.” He smirks at me knowingly.

Shit, keep your thoughts to yourself Ora really, how hard can it be.


            “Obviously, you can tell that your ears have changed. Also you have found out that you are able to communicate with others of our kind. Now, you also have a marker on you which is a sort of identifier for yourself.” He grabs my hand and extends my arm; staring back at me is a black simplistic design of an eye. My eyes bulge, it looks like a small tattoo of an eye on the inside of my wrist, but I obviously have not gotten a tattoo while I was asleep.


            “It is permanent marker of your identity an eye for Iris, quite catchy huh?” Warren smiles.


“Dude, my Dad will kill me if he sees this!” I say.

“Good thing that he knows about this, did you think you were the only fae? Where do you think you get it from?” Warren asks me sarcastically. 

Wait huh? My dad? The man that’s worked so hard all his life and has always been a caring but strict father he’s the complete opposite, my head is spinning.

“Look lets go talk to your dad he’s been waiting for you to change.” Warren says while he grabs my hand and pulls me out of my room.

We make our way to the kitchen with Warren behind me. I see my father sitting at the dinning room table reading the newspaper and sipping his coffee.

            “Dad” I say as he turns his attention to Warren and I.

            “Warren, Iris, take a seat, I think we should talk.” He says in his deep voice.

I look at Warren and he just pulls out my chair and we both take a seat. I stare at my dad, see the wrinkles on the edges of his eyes. I look at his strong hands resting on top of the table. Why didn’t he ever tell me? Why did he just let the fact that I am not human hit me when I was seventeen?

            “Honey, it’s not that easy, I couldn’t tell you. I wish I could but I couldn’t let you know until it was necessary.” He answered. “Look I need to tell you that we actually moved here right after you were born, we had to because you were in danger. I don’t want to say too much yet just know we actually come from Ireland and were fleeing someone.”

            I sit still, pondering everything. I’m not from here. I was in danger. We had to flee. Wait; does that mean that person is still after me? I feel a large rough hand on top of my forearm. I turn to see Warren looking at me and his eyes answer the question in my head. I look to my father and he wears the same expression on Warrens face.

            Oh crap.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2014 ⏰

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