Something Odd

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The first time I knew something was odd, was when he started getting angry at little things. He blamed everything on my little sister, he would hiss at her and make her feel uncomfortable. Sometimes we would hide in our rooms and tell each other how much we hated him. Mum told me he would do illegal drugs sometimes, and that was why he got so angry.

It may seem pathetic and stupid to tell all of you but, one day he was aggravated at something. I put my Oreo down and he shouted at me, telling me that I couldn't eat it now, because a single drop of water touched it. He told me to throw it away, so I did.

On some days he would be kind and we would make pancakes, talk about guitars, cook dinner and watch movies with snacks. I enjoyed these things, he was the first person who taught me how to flip pancakes in the air. I thought he was normal but I was wrong.

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