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They stand in black; the girls in dresses and the men in suits. There is no body nor is there even a coffin; just a tomb stone reading his name with a bunch of dandelions, his favourite. No one dares speak a word as all they want is a comfortable silence. Everyone stares at either the ground, or the name that is spread across the curved stone.

They all know the reason this day came about and they know it did so too early. He was only 21, about to be 22. He was living his dream with his brothers. He was loved; by the world and by his boyfriend. As of right now; he should have been planning a birthday holiday, not hidden away from the world.

Niall Horan stands away from the group, wanting to be by himself. He doesn’t want comforting or affection unless by the person whom is not present. His friends understand this so, whilst they stand by the grave; he stands behind a tree, tears dripping from his eyes and sliding silently down his cheekbones. He doesn’t bother to wipe them as every time he does, new ones appear. Liam Payne turns his head and looks at his best friend, his eyes filled with sadness. Out of all the boys, Niall has been affected the worst. He hasn’t told them why but Liam knows that when ready; he will.

30 minutes later, the program ends and the group split two ways; the family back to their house and the boys back to their bus. Fortunately; this occurred after the Take Me Home tour but unfortunately, they have had to cancel the Where We Are Stadium tour. Liam unlocks the door and leads the boys in, closing it behind them. Still; no one speaks as it is not the same without him.

His cheery, bubbly personality would light up any room and he could cheer even the most depressed person simply by telling a corny joke. His difference in clothing choice to the other four would make it impossible to miss him, even in the darkest of rooms. His stripped t-shirts, red chinos and toms that quickly changed to black singlets, black skinnies and vans could, without fail make any girl drool.

Although his look changed vastly, his personality stayed the same. He was always joyful and smiling, just keeping the boys alive.  And for Niall; it was his love for each of the boys and for every girl around the world. It was how much he cared for everyone he knew and didn’t know. It was the blue in his eyes; how everything he wore made his eyes seem brighter than the last. It was his hair; how it changed from side swept and messy to a neat quiff. 

But mostly; it was how much they loved each other. They were only one and a half years into their relationship and had only just gotten management on their side when the incident occurred. Only Liam, Harry and Zayn knew about Niall’s plan to take him away for his birthday, he was planning Canada, but no one knew about his plan to propose to him whilst up there. But he never got there.

Louis Tomlinson vanished on the twenty-fourth of December 2013; the date of his twenty-second birthday, the date the boys and his family had planned a massive party, the date Niall had planned on taking him to Canada and the date Niall planned on proposing. He was distraught and it broke his heart because it was him that discovered Louis was missing.

The boys and their body guard Paul searched alongside Simon Cowell and the London Police Department for two weeks for any signs or evidence in what may have caused the boys’ disappearance but to no avail. Soon after; Niall was diagnosed with severe depression and sent to rehab after Liam, Harry and Zayn walked in on home attempting suicide. He was taken to the hospital and released three weeks later.

He was in intensive watch for a while until he proved to the boys that he was alright. He proved to them that he was capable and trustworthy of being alone. Although it took a while; a year in fact.

It took twelve motnhs for him to confess to the world why he had tried to kill himself. To say they were shocked is an understatement. Although not back to his normal self; the world, especially the boys, Paul and Simon know that he is closer than before. But they also know that, as long as Louis is gone, he won’t be.

Six months after Louis' dissapearance: Harry, Zayn, Liam and Niall came up with an idea. Why not hold a tribute to their missing friend? On every twenty-fourth December that Louis is gone, the Directioners, Louis’ family along with the other boys families, Simon, Paul, management and the boys are dismayed so why not hold something that will somewhat cheer them up?

Why not sing?

After a lot of thought, time and effort, they had a solution thus creating the Annual Louis Tomlinson Tribute Concert. Every year on Louis’ birthday; they boys would sing songs from both Up All Night and Take me Home plus two from their third album; Midnight Memories, (Best Song Ever and Diana). 

The first and second year of the concert go great, the event going smoothly without any problems. Everything goes how it should and, although the arena was full of tears from both the boys and the audience, everyone was happy with the outcome of the night. 

But everything can only go so well before a problem is soon to arise.

When Harry realizes Niall beens hiding something from them that is very important and they boy decide to ignore Niall completely to get him to spill; things go downhill. 

The plan to ignore him causes the boys to have to start the new year without both Louis and now Niall. When the information Niall kept hidden is realised to the boys; they finally realise how important it is to have Niall if they ever want to find Louis. 

So now they have to find one missing boy in order to find anoher missing boy. 

Great. . .

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