Chapter Four

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The atmosphere in the vehicle is tense, anyone can tell. Liam, Zayn and Harry are seated in the middle section of the van, while I sit in the very back, not wanting to hear the conversation they others are having. Instead; I have my earphone in and his volume on full, draining out any other sounds.

I don’t want the day to get any worse than it already is. I don’t need to hear the voices to know Zayn told Liam and Harry about what happened that morning. Zayn had literally woken me up this morning by throwing a book at my head. Apparently I just wouldn’t wake up. One thing led to another and I ended up punching him in the cheek. There’s no way the boys will talk to me now, and even if they do; it’ll only be lectures for punching a friend.

Oh, the makeup artist is going to have a great time trying to cover that bruise up. It covers nearly his whole cheek. I just wish we’d arrive at the venue already, I’m sick of this traffic. And it is traffic headed to our concert so we’ll be getting there late. Really late.

Another forty five minutes passes before we arrive at the arena private parking space. A trip that normally takes only 15 minutes, took us an hour. My butt aches from sitting down for so long, so as soon as I’m out of the van; I stretch and crack my finger knuckles.

Thankfully, this area is closed off to all other personal that aren’t workers so we can get into the place without being harangued by crazy girls. We’re led by a security guard to our dressing rooms. We each have a private room, thank god. I open my door and step in, ready to close the door behind me when I feel myself lunge forward and faceplant the floor.  I groan in pain and turn over to see a fuming Zayn.

Before I can get up, he slams my door and kicks me in the stomach. I groan again but don’t try to move as he continues kicking me. First the stomach, then the chest until he reaches my face. I look up with a silent plea to stop but he just stomps his foot down on my already sore nose. A clear crack echoes through the room causing Zayn to smile. He opens my door, and turns back to me.

“That’s what you deserve twat.” He leaves, closing the door loudly. I lay on the ground, one hand clutching my stomach and the other holding my nose, trying to stop the blood from gushing out. Painfully, I stand and look around for some tissues, my hand still covering my nose. I don’t find any so I contemplate heading over to Liam’s room and asking if he has any.

The pain takes over and before I can stop myself, I walk over to Liam’s and use my free hand to knock. A few seconds later, he opens the door. He has a smile on his face but it drops when he realizes it’s me.

“What do you want?” He asks, disgust dripping from his mouth. I feel tears prick my eyes but blink them back down.

“I was just,” I start but the look in his eyes stops me. I know he can see the blood but he doesn’t say anything. “Do you have any tissues?” I finally question.

“No, but even if I did I wouldn’t give them to you.” He growls and shuts the door in my face. The tears come back, but this time mixed with pain from my obviously broken nose and broken friendship with Liam Payne. I try to keep my head down; hiding my tears from the crew members I pass on my journey to the bathroom. When I reach it, I open the door and slide in, closing and locking it after me. I grab some toilet tissue from the cubicle and wet it at the sink before taking y hand away from my nose and pressing it against the nostril.

It hurts but I need to stop the bleeding. Sobs are racking my body as the pain gets worse and a headache starts to form. I hear someone shout outside that we have 30 minutes until we go on stage, and I know I need to get my hair and makeup done.

Slowly, I take the tissue away from my nose and notice it has stopped bleeding. I sigh contently and throw the tissue in the bin before exiting the bathroom. I walk towards the makeup room and stop in front, knocking quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2013 ⏰

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