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If anyone had noticed the wine stains when I had hurried back through the kitchens, they choose not to mention it, too worried about their own serving duties.

My chest was aching, calling out for the love I had let go.

But I stood by my decision, I wasn't going to die with him.

A flicker of something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention, raising my gaze to meet Em's and absorbing her rapid fire signing, her hands shaping sentences almost faster then I could keep up with. Eventually I got the point, she of course would notice when something was wrong.

I quickly signed back from the cover of my skirts, telling her I was fine and I would explain later. No need for her to worry on this 'fine' night.

I grunted as another shock coursed through me, stronger than any other tonight. In my signing I hadn't noticed the first shock, this was the second time someone had tried to gather my attention. They weren't going to be happy. Fixing my expression into an unreadable mask, I stalked off. Even if I was dying on the inside I wasn't going to let it show. Tonight I was regal, not weak. I had spent my life protecting myself and not getting too involved with anything, Thomas wasn't going to change that.

As soon as the table that had sent for me was in view I immediately looked to see who was there. I could feel my face pale as I realized who it was.

Mistress Victoria was giggling, her shoulders visible shaking, with her back to me. The seat next to her was empty, giving me a small amount of relief because that meant Master Gaston was off somewhere else. I didn't have to deal with him at this very moment. I subtly glanced over at the other two guests, gulping down my rising nervousness.

Both of the lords - I assumed they were lords or else they wouldn't be with my mistress - were gorgeous, the one with short blonde-brown hair having the most defined cheeks I've ever seen, the rough facial hair just covering his chin and the sides of his face making them even more gorgeous. I looked away before his green eyes could catch me staring. Since Mistress Victoria still hasn't noticed me, I slyly shifted my gaze to the remaining man.

I honestly wasn't that surprised to see that it was the long haired lord from earlier this afternoon, it seems my lady was still sucking up to him and his associate. Gaston and Victoria may be married, but the upper class never stopped getting around. They had very 'open' relationships. This time I couldn't halt my eye roll or my huff of annoyance. Today just wasn't my day.

It's too bad the icy eyed lord was looking right at me. He and his friend exchanged a glance before he whispered to my mistress. Her face immediately burned bright red, probably embarrassed that someone was pointing out her slaves flaws. I began to quiver.

"Come here," Victoria crooned through clenched teeth, crooking a clawed finger to beckon me over, leaving me with no choice but to step to her side. I flinched as she grabbed either side of my face in one hand, pinching my cheeks in the process. I avoided her gaze, at this point trying to save my own skin and now follow the rules as I normally did.

"It seems you're still having problems with your assets, perhaps you're not being as thorough as I once believed. Though it seems as if you are still dealing out plentiful of lashes," The man with the feral, blue eyes mused, one of his large fingers running lightly over the lip of his glass. It was clear he was referring to the lines across my cheek. "Perhaps Lord Calder should stay for an extra day or two..."

"No!" My lady blurted, unable to help herself apparently, struggling to cover her abrupt declination, her grasp tightening on my face. "I mean, my husband and I are completely capable. Usually this one doesn't present any trouble, it seems these past few days have showed us a different side of it. Already there is a punishment in store, but of course I could always add in more if it so pleases you."

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