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~Sexual Mature~

She slapped him, Jay slapped Leo.

It was a shock to both of them but that's what Jay felt like doing. Now that she knows that the mysterious stranger was actually Leo. She didn't know what to feel at this point. The whole thing just took her by surprise.

"Ow what was that for" Leo ask as he can still feel that stinging sensation on his right cheek, "geez Jay you hit like a fucking man"

"Where were you?"

"Jay I know you're mad-"

Jay interrupted, "oh I'm not mad, I'm FURIOUS. For ten years you've been gone. You never called, messaged me, or a least try let me know that you were ok"

"Well I was running from the cops what do you expect Jay. I didn't contact you because I didn't want you to get in trouble" Leo snapped back

Jay sighed, "I'm sorry it's just, you disappeared. I've searched for you and all I get is dead ends, I didn't know if you were dead or alive. What happened with in those ten years. How did you end up in the mafia"

"I've got alot of explaining to do"

Jay crossed her arms, "you think"

"Well while I was gone, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't come to you cause you and I will go to jail. I didn't want that for you. So I've lived on the streets, pit pocketing, trying to survive. Until one day I didn't something that'll would change my life. When I was scavaging for food I saw an old man get beat near the alley way by two thugs. I felt bad for him, so I saved him" Leo turned his back towards Jay and walks towards the window.

"Little did I know I'd saved a notorious crime lord name, Amador Damiano. He told me that he'd owed me his life and took me in, taught me the mafia lifestyle. Ever since then I was part of the gang. I had everything, money, cars, girls but I felt empty. I felt like I was missing something important"

Jay walks up to Leo and places her hand on his right shoulder. "And what was that?"

Leo turn towards Jay and gazes into her eyes. His was filled with lust, love and passion. "You"

He leans towards Jay and smashes his lips on her. The kiss was similar to the previous one; but this kiss was more passionate.

Leo hands started to exolore Jay's body, from her covered brest to her ass. His hands explored ever inch and every curve of her body.

But Jay pulled back, she was scared about taking to far. She just found Jay after all these years.

"What's wrong?"

"Sorry, I'm just nervous" she hides her face

"You're a virgin" Jay nods, Leo smiled and gives Jay a hug. "It's ok I'll wait until your ready, I want your first time to be perfect" he says looking into Jay's brown eyes. Leo smiled, he had an idea. "But first"

Leo picks up Jay and plops her on the bed. He gets on top of Jay, she gives Leo a perplexed look.

"What are you doing?" Jay ask

"Just preparing you for what's in store for you, when you soon experience your first time" Leo purred as he kisses down between Jay's breast. He quickly grabs both of them. Jay's moans grew louder as he goes down to her heated center. Leo pulls up her skirt exposing her victoria secret laced panties.

Instead of lying completely down, Jay propped herself up on her elbows, ready to watch whatever Leo had planned for her.

He hummed as he pursed his lips together. His hands roughly yanked his blazer off without any hesitation, Leo rolls up his sleeves as he get's on his knee, face planted on Jay's inner thigh. He's been wanting to do this since the day he fell in love with Jay.

"So wet. All for me?" He ran his hand along the giant wet mark on her panties.

"Fuck. Yes. All for you Leo" She bucked her hips forward.

"Good girl" he chuckled, pushing herr hips back down to the desk. "You don't know how bad I want to eat you right now Jay." His thumb rubbed hard circles on on her clit. To help him out a little, and get the show on the road, Jay pulled her panties down her legs. His eyes never left Jay's. "Beautiful" he muttered as his gaze returned to her pussy.

Leo pulls Jay's legs above his head as he gets on his knees, not wasting any time and burying his face between her thighs, right to her soaking core.

"you always tastes so fucking good" he mumbles and Jay reach over to grab onto his hair and push him mouth closer to her wet center as he starts liking her wetness.

"You're so deliciously wet. God, I want you." He thrusts his finger inside me, and she cry out as he does it again and again. He palms her clitoris, and Jay cry out once more. "You are mine," he whispers. "Only mine. Don't forget it." His voice is intoxicating, his words heady, seductive.

She nods eagerly as she was about to reach her climax. She can feel it coming.

But all of that was interrupted when they heard a knock on the door. Leo growled, this is the second time that he was interrupted.

"What" He yelled

"Um sir Nathaniel needs you it's an emergency"

"Tell him that I'm on my way"

"Yes sir"

Leo looks at Jay as she tries to move,

"Where do you think you're going?" Leo growls and put her back into her previous postion. "I'm not finished"

Jay was about to experience the best head she ever had.

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