.9:Moving in (Part 1)

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When Leo took Jay back to her apartment Jordan and Jose was waiting for her. At first they began to worry cause she didn't call nor text any body all night. Jordan thought something bad had happen to her and she say and I quote:

'If anything happens to her I'm cutting bitches'

But unfortunately she never did, knowing Jay is alright. Jay rold them everything that happen last night, how she reunited with leo, their past unbreakable friendship and the part where he gave her head but she didn't them the past where Leo killed somebody. She was going to keep that information a secret till the day she die.

"So you mean to tell me that you got some free head. From a guy friend you haven't seen in ten year" Jose says as he sips his Dr. Pepper

Jay nodded

"Was it good?" Jordan jumped in the conversation

Jay nodded eagerly, the memory itself made her blush. Jordan and Jose shrieked with excitement like two highschool girls.

"Aww our little Jay finally growing up" Jose teased. "But I got one question?"


"How big is his dick?" Jay eyes widened, it never came to thought really.

"Dang Jose all in the girl business" Jordan said as she sits down on the sofa.

Jose shrug his shoulders, "What I want to know"

"Why so you can snitch and tell her uncle"

"Hey I'm not a snitch, I'm a bitch. Love it"

Jay laughed at Jose, then suddenly they heard a knock on the door.

"You expecting somebody?"

Jay shook her head and walk towards the door. She looks through the peep hole and see Leo. She smies and opens the door letting him in. As he walks in Jay noticed Leo's face has a worry expression.

"What's wrong?" Jay ask, but Leo hesitates. "Leo what's wrong?"

Leo looks over at Jordan and Jay, "May I please speak to Jay.....alone"

As soon as Leo said those words Jordan and Jose didn't hesitate to leave. They ran out the apartment without even saying a word. Leo closed the door.

As Leo looks at Jay, His eyes darkened, turning into a shade of darker blue. He took a deep breath, making his brows ceased deeper. "Fuck it" he suddenly growled in a deep husky voice.

He quickly grabs Jay by her cheeks and smashes his lips on hers. With everything that's going on he need a reliever. Jay was his weakness, his feeling for her were too deep.

He broke away from Jay's mouth and trailed his lips down the front of her throat. She felt his lips close around sweet spot. His lips parted in tingling butterfly kisses that drained the strength from Jay's knees. She realized he was mouthing words against her skin.

Not words. Just one word.


Jay pulls back from the kiss, "Leo what's really going on?"

Leo sighed, " You're moving in with me" He went straight to the point, no sugar coating.

"What, moving in why?"

"Cause I said so Jay, your moving in with me and that's final"

"No I'm not" Leo growled not liking Jay answer. "Look Leo I know we haven't seen each other in ten years and I'm happy to see you again but-"

"No buts Jay, I don't want to argue with you right now. Your moving in with me and that's final" Leo snapped, how was he going to tell her that she's targeted. It'll freak her out.

"No I'm not going Leo you ca just tell me that I'm moving in with you. I can make decisions for myself" Jay snapped back. But sadly Leo picks up Jay and put her on his shoulder. It was just like the strip club event all over again.

Again Jay starts kicking and pounding, telling him to let go. Jay tried to get lose but her hits didn't affect Leo. He slaps her in the ass to make her stop.

"Oww that hurt" Jay says but Leo just smiles. But in his mind he's silently praying that he doesn't get a boner.

"If you didn't try to cause a scene this wouldn't happen"

"Jackass" Jay mumbles. "What about my stuff"

"Don't worry my men will take care of it" Approaching his car, a group of men walks up to him.

"Sir, I see you got the girl"

Leo nods, "her apartment room number 120B on the second floor. You can't miss it"

Leo notice his men looking at Jay's ass, he cleared his throat to get their attention and pulls out his gun. "If you all don't want you eyes ripped out. I suggest you stare at something else and not at my girl"

His men proceed to do their job, Leo walks over to his car a places Jay on the hood of his car. Jay crossed her arms and pouts. To Leo it was adorable. His little princess.

Leo moves in between her legs, "Jay I know your mad but trust me I'm only doing this for your own good" He places his forehead on hers. "Listen, you are mine, only mine. Therefore no man shall look at you, touch, wink, wave, stare, flirt, compliment, hold you, pleasure you, anything that's my job"

Leo knew that he was doing the right thing. Even if it made Jay mad, he knew that Jay will get over it sooner. He had to keep her safe and close to her close to him.

"There's something your going on isn't it?" Jay wasn't stupid, she watched enough mafia related movies to know somethings is wrong.

Hola, hey sorry for the delay but I'm back. This chapter was a little hard. Trying to get in touch with Leo's possessive side.

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