Luke Hemmings Sister

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I wake up and see my brother like sitting in a chair watching me. "Wow bro this isn't creepy at all." "Well someone has threatened the band." "So you watching the window to watch out for me." He nods "thank you." " I will let you change. Oh we are going to be living in Ashton's house for a while so you might want to pack." I nod and he leaves. We head to Ashton's house. On the way someone starts shooting at us. I get shot in the shoulder we make it to Ashton's one of the body guards looks at the wound. "We need to get her to the hospital."

 "Okay." "Luke it hurts." "I know it does but we're going to get you fixed up." "I'm sleepy can I sleep." "No honey now let's go." He picks me up and puts me in the back seat of the van. He goes to the other side and puts my head in lap. "Y/n can you stay with me?" "I would but I'm just so sleepy." He starts to cry. "No no y/n stay with me please!" "Okay just calm down." He nods. We get to the hospital. "Luke I love you." Then I black out.

 When I wake up I see Luke holding my hand, next to me. "Hey bro." "Oh my gosh your okay?" "Yea how long  have I been out?" "About a day or so." I nod, "did they catch why did it." "Yea it was just some mad dude who hated the band." I nod "I thought I lost you ." "It won't be that easy Luke." He nods "can we cuddle bro." "Yes we can." He lays with me and we watch to for the night.THE END

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