Gaius's Daughter

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I'm Arthur's other servant. No one like me. I'm walking to the banquet. I over hear merlin and my dad talking about Arthurs drink being poisoned. I think up a way to help. The banquet starts, I tell every one that Arthurs drink is poisoned. No one believes me so I take It out of Arthurs hand and drink from it. As soon as I swallow I fall and start to shake. My dad and Arthur run to me. Dad whispers "You're going to be okay Y/N." Arthur picks me up and rushes me to my dads room. He lays me down on a cot.

 My dad starts telling people what to do while Arthur sits next to me. Dad comes over to check me out. "Dad can I sleep." "Yes get your rest." I fall asleep. When I wake up I'm burning up. I try to move the coves off. Dad stops me, "Y/N you need to break this fever." I groan, "Dad where is Arthur?" "He's getting your cure." I nod and fall back to sleep. When I wake up my body is hurting. I start to groan. Arthur and merlin burst in with the thing that dad needed. Dad does his stuff and starts walking towards me. He lifts up my head and pours something down my throat. after a while Im sitting up and talking better. Arthur sits next to me and holds my hand. "Thank you Arthur." "No need your saved me, I saved yours." I laugh

*2 weeks later* I'm better, back to my job, but now I'm courting Arthur. His father doesn't know. I walk in his room to wake him up. "Arthur its time to wake up." he groans "But babe." "Don't but babe me now get up." He groans and sits up. I put his breakfast on his lap. "Eat up." As I'm walking away Arthur pulls me back and kisses me. THE END

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