Just Some People With Some Memories.

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 It's hard to go through every day, 

just waiting for you open your mouth and say

how we are over and never to speak 

because sometimes silence can make us the most weak. 

We're not friends nor are we enemies,

just some people with some memories. 

 It's surprising how much people can hurt,

to see us talking, but extremely curt.

You go around, and toss and tease me,

but I know it's because you'll never have the key.

You try your hardest to subtly be mean, 

yet at the same time I know your struggle to be lean. 

I don't want to be friends,

you've hurt me a lot. 

But I don't want you to purposely take a shot,

and strike me right where I'm weak,

because if you take away the one thing that matters most,

I will.



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