Chapter One

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Katrina's P.O.V

"Well it was lovely seeing you again!" He called. "Safe journey!"

I turned back around once more to wave goodbye to Matt before heading outside toward the car park. And yes, that's Matt as in Matt Smith. God it's been years since we'd seen each other...the first being a brief encounter at comic con. He hadn't recognised me at first to tell the truth, we had run into each other unexpectedly when I'd been trying to get someone to pick up my screenplay. I was speaking to him about it, and no, I don't think he's interested but he was kind enough to spare me time to chat.

I had changed careers a while ago - something which has been a blessing and a curse. I have a few short films under my belt, but my luck has run out. I've just been sending my latest screenplay out in hopes that it will take someone's interest, one small company is interested but that would mean it being a web-only movie...and their other productions don't seem so great. I'm fine with not being television material, but honestly, a little recognition would be nice. And an agent, did I mention that mine dropped me?

I sigh as I clamber into my car, plugging my phone in and putting my playlist on. The destination is the next thing to think about, I would plan on going back to the flat, but I'm pretty sure Molly has someone over, and I don't want to disturb if anything's going on. Ah, to have a love life...
PJ and I split up maybe two years ago? Everything was going fine, but too fine if you know what I mean. We just weren't in love, there was nothing there. I guess we grew tired of each other. I haven't caught up with what he's been doing - I think he's dating an old friend of his. We parted on good terms, but we've not met since.
 Just as I was about to pull out of the parking space, the music dulls and my phone starts to ring. I quickly unplug it, and put it to my ear.


 "Hey, it's me...could you pick me up? I accidentally threw my bus ticket in the bin..."

 "How on ea-- you know what it doesn't matter. I'm on my way, I can't stay in the flat as it is."

There's a chuckle on the other end of the line, "I'll be waiting."

I hang up. That's the destination sorted.


I'll be waiting. Lies. Lies and slander. He was not waiting, I had to venture into the building to find him. Luckily he had mentioned the room number earlier that morning, so finding it on the maps around the place wasn't hard.
It was a tall glass building, with steel framework. It was pleasantly warm inside as the afternoon sun shone in, the soft blue carpet looked new, everything looked new. It was safe to say that the whole building had probably been refurnished. As I left the lift with a small 'ding' my sight was filled with the vision of Arthur, messily eating what seemed to be a donut.

Arthur was my other flatmate, he was a friend of Fionn. When I had broken up with PJ, I needed someone to live with - we'd lost contact with our other friends, and anyway Daisy was married - as was Dan and Phil - I heard that Molly was in need of a flatmate via Facebook, so I sent her a message. Arthur was pointed in the same direction via Fionn, and Molly took us both.

 "Honestly," I scold teasingly. "When is your car getting out of the garage?"

 "Soon, soon." He nodded.

Arthur was tall, with nice blond hair and blue eyes. A sweet man. He was an aspiring actor, he was here for an audition. I'm not really sure what to make of how it goes. Usually if it's bad, I get an earful - whines and complains and reenactments of how it went. But today he was casual, and eating. I was about to ask, but he got in there first.

 "Did it go well?"

 "No," I shake my head. "No I --"

My phone starts ringing again. I roll my eyes and answer.

After a few mhm's and a yes. I put my phone away - I switch it off for good measure.

"They've decided to decline the script, that production company..."

 "Oh," his face fell a bit. "I'm sorry."

I shrug defeatedly.

As a lull in the conversation presents itself, I decide to look around. It's pretty empty in here, a few people mill about as we do. One group particularly catches my eye. They all have similar hair colours, an audition is going on.



I walk closer to see if I'm right. I could laugh.


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