Chapter Three

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Katrina's P.O.V

"So...old flatmate was it?" Arthur asked, as I got into the passenger seat of the car.

"I'd rather say friend, but yeah, Daisy...I can't believe I saw her here," I put my seatbelt on. "I can't believe we lost contact for so long."

It's strange to think about, I'm not sure why. Just one day we all didn't meet up, and that day turned into weeks, and those weeks to months and then...three years.

"She's the one Fionn named his daughter after?"

"Yup," I nod. "As well as me."

"Don't I know it? Next child he has better be named after me."

"Even if it's a girl?" I quirk a brow.

"Especially if it's a girl."

I laugh and put some music on, twiddling Daisy's card in my hand.


After standing outside the flat's door for a minute trying to work out if Molly still had the boyfriend over, Arthur and I sneak in quietly. A pointless act as she was dancing around the room with her headphones on. She seems happy.

I throw my keys down onto the table, hoping the sound will alert her to the fact her friends are watching. It doesn't, she only noticies as she spins around. Her eyes widen and she pulls her headphones off slowly, I can hear the muffled buzz of music coming from them. That's all that is heard for a few moments as silence settles over us...and then Molly starts to laugh.

"What's got you in such a pleasant mood?" Arthur asks. Molly is known for her laid back attitude and snarky view on life.

She need only hold up a hand.

 "I thought it wasn't serious," I say as I look at the thin silver band, a modest diamond on it.

Molly blushed, "I played it down, I must admit."

 "So, when is it? Will I be invited?" Arthur asked.

 "Soon, and the both of you will. It's not going to be big or fancy, just a few people."

Molly turns to sit on the sofa.

 "So you'll be moving in with him properly?" I ask.


She smiles down at the ring, and plays with it, drawing her knees up. She seems so happy, she'd been dating this guy for a while now. I didn't expect this...but of course I'm happy.

 "Well congratulations then," I smile once more before leaving her to her own thoughts.

Everyone is moving forward but me, and I suppose Arthur - although I can't tell if he'll get a call back from the audition or not. Gosh, wow, Molly's getting married, it feels like it was only last week I met her in that coffee shop. I don't know what it'll mean for the living arrangements, she'll be moving out for good and then it's just me and Arthur. With our low income we'll probably need someone new, or maybe a smaller place.
I heave a sigh as I shut the door to my room, removing my phone from my jacket before pulling it off. With my phone, I feel the smooth rectangular object that lies against it. Daisy's card.

I hold it out in front of me. I miss her, why we stopped talking I cannot fathom, we need to get back together.

I unlock my phone and shoot a text her way.


I decided to wear something comfier than the smart-casual outfit I wore yesterday (if that was smart-casual, what a weird thing to pin down) and go with a red cable knit jumper and black skinny jeans to meet Daisy for coffee in a small place both near to us. The colour scheme is warm, and black and white pictures of coffee beans and mugs adorn the walls, I go and order a hot chocolate, of course. And a slice of cake, how can I not?

I scan my eyes around the place for Daisy, it's not that big of a place so she shouldn't be hard to find, but I can't see her. I begin to wonder if I came to the wrong place, a panic rising in my chest, but I realise that there's a bit I can't see, around a corner and that calms me a little. I look back to the counter, just in time to see my drink being put on a tray.

I carefully pick it up, fearing that I'll spill it everywhere, this fear growing as I back into someone. The tall mug wobbles a bit, the hot liquid just daring to spill over the edge - as the drink settles so does my beating heart.

 "So sorry!" The figure behind me says, before I hear them leaving. As the door closes I was halfway through saying 'it's okay'. Ah, to be British.

I walk slow, steadying the tray in my hands as I walk around the corner.

She's not there.

Gosh I am one nervous person. I've come so far so I take the nearest table to me, I decide I'm probably early, and take a seat. As I pretend to be distracted by my phone, I hear the door close and a familiar voice.

She's here.

I lock my phone once more, ignoring the text notification from Arthur - a cat video - and wait patiently. Eventually she comes over with a tray. I quickly move my things off my tray and go put it on a stack of used trays so Daisy can put hers on the table.

 "Hey," she smiles at me, sitting down opposite.

 "Nice to see you," I begin to poke about the measly few marshmallows they put in my drink.

 "And you! Was so weird to bump into each other again yesterday, but also so great, too. So, how are --"

 "-- things?" We both manage to ask the same question at the same time.


I wait a beat.

 "I'll go," I say, taking a breath before speaking. "Things are all right with me. Obviously you know PJ and I split, not bad or anything...but I'm still single. Um...I write scripts now! Yeah, I just went with it and...I've been pretty successful."

I'm lying....why am I lying?

 "Yeah, I've done a lot. Right now I've been commissioned to write something, not sharing any details but... It might be something big."

No I haven't what am I saying.

"Oh? That's cool, good for you!"

She believes me. Ahahahaha. Ha. Ha. Ha....

 "What about you? Your an actress now, yeah?"

Flip the coin, that's right Katrina. Draw the attention away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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