Chapter Two

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Daisy's P.O.V

I sat nervously holding my two page copy of the script as tight as I could. Granted, it wasn't as big a gig as I had made it out to be, but it was still a gig, that was paid, and would be on the TV. It was on some American channel that nobody I asked seemed to know of, but I dismissed it and just focused on my lines.

Next to me was a girl who looked about twelve. She had literal beads of sweat coming down her face. I wanted to hug her and tell her it was alright but my own nerves got ahold of me and soon I had my head down, learning my several lines.

When I heard my name being called, that's when I jumped up. A woman who looks about 16 with a clipboard was staring impatiently at me. I smiled shyly and shoved my script in my back pocket. When her back was turned on me, I breathed in through my nose and out of my mouth.

 "You can do this Daisy. You've done it so many times before. You know the lines, you got this." I told myself quietly.


Once I got outside, I had to use my script to wipe away my sweat. Not only did I get all my lines right, but they wanted to use me in a physical piece with a few others. I stopped myself leaping for joy as I sat down to go over the directors notes.

 "Daisy?" I lifted my head.


Surely not?

 "Katrina?" I left my script behind as I walked over to her.

 "Oh my-hi." She said awkwardly, which isn't surprising considering we haven't spoken for three years.

 "Hey. I can't believe it!" I said, grinning, the events of the day becoming very overwhelming.

 "Yeah I know! It's been a while."

 "I'll say. Three years."

 "How have you been?" She asked.

 "I've been...great!" I said, before adding, "and you?"

 "I've been....great too! Are you auditioning for something?"

 "Yeah, this TV ad thing. Probably won't get it but hey-Ho." I said.

 "I have my fingers crossed." She smiled.

 "What about you? What are you doing here?"

 "Came to pick up my flat mate." She said, gesturing to the man behind her, who looked bored and confused.

 "Oh hey," I smiled.

 "Remember when we were flat mates?" She laughed.

 "Oh god. We ended up hardly being there after we met the boys." I laughed, my mind sub-consciously going back to my memories with the boys in LA.

 "Oh god the's Chris?" She said, handing the keys over to her flat mate, who nodded and ran off.

 "He's good, yeah! How's PJ?" I asked.

 "I'm not sure. We broke up pretty soon after you and I lost touch." She said.

 "Oh, sorry to hear that." I said.

There was a moment of silence before she broke the pause.

 "Well I'd better go. Arthur is probably waiting for me." She said, smiling.

 "Yeah me too. I'll walk you out if you like."

We began walking what seemed like the shortest walk of all time. I took time to appreciate what she looked like. Her hair was a bit longer, she'd obviously had it cut since. I liked the length on her. Her clothing style remained the same, which made me smile, as mine was quite similar to when we first met. She looked tired. Very tired.

 "Hey, Katrina, my cars over here." I said.

 "Oh. Well. Cool." She said. She was still as awkward as ever.

 "Listen, I know it's been a while but I'd really like to catch up. I'll give you my number. If you ever want to meet up for a coffee or something, feel free to call." I smiled, handing her a small card.

"It's a bit cheesy giving you my card but it's the only thing I have on me at the moment." I add.

 "Thanks. I'll call you, soon." She says.

We think about hugging but decide against it, giving a small wave to each other as we depart to our cars.

I get in the car and shut the door, putting on my seatbelt, adjusting the mirror and plugging in phone. The journey back to my flat is a roller coaster.

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