Chapter 1 - Outta Luck

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"So I said to her 'girl your breath stinks anyway, who'd want to kiss that mouth'," Mercedes said loudly as she tossed her hair over one shoulder. I raised an eyebrow and couldn't help but smiling at her harshness. It was Monday again and the weekend had consisted of a huge Halloween party, arranged by Mercedes, since her parents had left Arizona for a short vacation. Everything had gone well at first, people danced, talked and simply had a blast—that was until Mercedes found her boyfriend, squeezed inbetween a couch, with a girl from the dance team.

And that was when all hell broke loose. 

I had known Mercedes ever since childhood, and had always found it easy to read off of her, and I knew when she always tried to replace the pain with anger. Although she was known as one of the main popular girls in Heauton Academy, and could get any guy she wanted: with her chocoaltebrown, smooth skin, piercing green eyes and delicious curvy body, you couldn't mistake the love she felt for Adrian. But I didn't understand how she could still love someone who had been cheating on her? Wasn't love supposed to be all about giving and getting back? Because how could you be in love with someone who didn't give you any love back?

I turned my gaze to Mercedes, who now sat back and forward in her chair, to converse with the table behind us. 

Or maybe I was wrong. 

Either way I didn't want to fall in love, it only seemed incredibly overrated and pointless.

"Alright class: may I get your attention please?" The erotic buzz quickly died out when Mr  Johansson's voice heard over the entire classroom.

I tugged at my bottom lip, while my gaze wandered along his carefully styled brown hair, to his tempting lips and further on to his muscular built body shape, which was now hidden behind a pair of blue jeans, along with a white shirt. I licked my lips, and pulled my short jean jacket off, to expose my newly purchased top. It wasn't exactly a secret to Mr Johansson that he was the most popular and hottest teacher in school. And although he had only been in our school for, like, two weeks, all the girls were over him. To say the least I. Not that I was a whore, or something, but it wasn't easy to resist him. Especially  if he was single and good looking.

"So, I know you are a little tired after the weekend's events, and it's probably difficult to concentrate, for you, when the first lesson you're having is math, but I need your full attention, today." He rubbed his hands together and sat down on the cathedral. "As Ms Fiona went through last week with you guys, you can expect a lot of exams, a head. Especially when it comes to math—" Mr Johansson got soon enough, interrupted by a pair of high and low protests, coming from the class. "Look... I understand that it feels tough, but you're seniors now, I'm not going to lie and tell you there's going to be easy. You won't get as many chances—"

The door opened up with a loud thud, and in, stumbled a short, but strong, brunette. Katarina—also known as one of my closest friends. Her long dark hair was in a messy ponnytail, and the dark, exotic eyes were hidden behind a pair of huge Ray Ban's, which so didn't match the clothes she wore. 

Katarina quickly made her way towards the empty seat in front of me, but didn't get far before Mr. Johansson spoke up.

"I'm sorry, missy, I don't think I cathed your name?" Katarina's eyes narrowed.

"Katarina," she replied, with a slight Spanish accent, and plopped herself down on the chair, she had been aiming for.

"Katherina, do you mind explaining your abscense?" Mr Johannson asked, with a genuine, nice smile. I couldn't help but drag a hand quickly through my blonde hair. If he looked at me, I would at least look decent, unlike Katarina who looked like she had just escaped the insane asylum.

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