Chapter 2

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Elizabeth sat in a chair in the middle of a devils trap watching the Sam walk back and forth staring at her and Dean staring at her from behind a desk. No one had said a word since bring her here and it was getting a bit boring.

"I don't mind being stared at boys," she smirked crossing her legs. "but you could at least do something fun for me to watch."

Sam rolled his eyes and grabbed his angle blade walking up to her.

"How do you know about the mark?" He asked putting the tip of the blade on her chest. Elizabeth smiled at Sam.

"Here's the thing I know more then anyone about the mark," she paused. "eh, the scribe may know more then me but who knows exactly what god shared with him." Elizabeth looked over at Dean his eyes were fixated on her.

"I'll tell you, but only if the giant will leave."

"No way! We don't know-"

"Okay." Dean stood up, interrupting Sam. Sam walked over to Dean whispering to him.

"But Dean we have know idea what she is or what she's capable of."

"It's okay Sam. She is chained up and stuck in a devil trap shes not getting out."

Sam sighed handling his brother the blade. "Fine but if anything happens yell."

As soon as Sam left Dean grabbed the chair he had been using and sat a foot from the devils trap.

"Okay, were alone now tell me what you know."

Elizabeth leaned forward placing her elbows on her knees and probing head in her hands.

"How about you ask one i ask one and we go from there?"


She smiled at him. "Oh come on Dean, don't you want to know how i knew you had the mark before seeing it, or better yet why those little voices in you head suddenly stopped when we touched?"

Dean was quiet for a few minutes. He didn't want to trust this woman nothing about her seemed like she would be telling him the truth, but he for some reason he wanted to believe she knew how to help him.

"How do we get rid of the mark?"

"Hold up there hunter, I took you for a long ride rather then a abrupt ending." Elizabeth watched dean cheeks go a slight shade of pink at her comment. It suits him she thought. "Lets have a little bit of fun since im stuck her." She head up her cuffed hands.

"Okay, what do you like? long walks on the beach and a quiet night in?"

Elizabeth leaned back crossing her arms.

"Oh no sand gets every wear I per fur Netflix and chill...well without the chill part." She winked at Dean and for a split second the corner of his moth turning up in a smirk.

"Why were you sent to kill us?"

Elizabeth shrugged. "A angle came and paid me to kill you. I don't know why they want y'all dead, but it may have to do with kicking them all out of heaven that one time, sending Micheal to the cage with Lucifer, or stealing tablets from them." Dean look taken back. "I did some research on the way here. Why didn't you tell your brother and the silent of the voices moment?"

Dean crossed his arms over his chest looking Elizabeth over. "He doesn't need to know. why did you want him gone?"

"I didn't think you would ask everything you wanted to if he was here and your by far a nicer piece of eye candy."

Deans heart was starting to quicken. Elizabeth was hot and was throwing his sass right back at him. He couldn't remember the last time he had a fun conversation with someone. He mentally slapped himself. She's here to kill you and Sammy. No more side tracking.

"Will you come and check my gun shoot I don't think It's healing?" Snapping out of his thoughts Dean looked at her right shoulder that Sam shoot. It looked like it still had blood coming out of it.

"Don't make a move." Dean said standing up.

"Oh girl scoots honor."

Before Dean could touch her Elizabeth broke the chains on her wrist and ankles, and knocked Dean back with a head butting him under the chin.

"Sorry," She rubbed her writs. "demon cuffs and devil traps don't hold me."Dean opened his mouth to yell for Sam but nothing came out.

"You'll get it back when i am gone." Flicking her wrist Dean went flying to the back fall unable to move.

Elizabeth walked up to him putting her hands on his checks, the voices instantly going silent.

"The thing about the mark Dean," she closed her eyes. "It's only silenced by true love. That's why Cain had a wife she wasn't strong enough to stop every voice."

Stepping away Elizabeth grabbed the angle blade from off the floor. "Funny enough right now your more like the princess who needs saving." She stepped back over to him.

"Tell we meet again." A purple smoke surrounded Elizabeth vanishing the moment she did.

Dean fell to the floor on his knees. True love? That cant be it. She had to be lying. Dean thought standing back up but for a brief second he could see it. A love just like his mom and dads.

"Sam!" Dean yelled for his baby brother. It doesn't matter what she said. He had to find her.

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