Chapter 29

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Violet saw a light. She raised her hand to her eyes in an effort to block it, but it just shone stronger.

Hello Violet, a voice said. It seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once.

"Hi?" Violet said uncertainly.

You've come a long way, child. I would hate to see you give up so easily.

"Give up?"

You're dying, Violet.


Violet turned. She could see the earth distantly. She struggled to walk, to go back, but her feet wouldn't budge. "Please!" she cried frantically, "you have to let me go! We have to defeat the evil people! Lizzie needs me!"

A soft chuckle reached Violet's ears. I'm sorry, child, but it's your time. "I just hit my head on a rock! I can't let that be the thing that kill me. I refuse," Violet almost screamed. Another chuckle. Alright, I suppose I could let you go. The weight that pulled her feet down suddenly released, and Violet stumbled forward.

With a quick glance around again, she began running. She kept going and going, and soon she had neared Earth. But then, she tripped and fell. Everything went dark.


Sorry for the long wait. It's short because I decided to publish what I already had written.

Hope you enjoyed :)

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