Chapter Twenty Eight - All Of The Stars

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The tubes and wires Ally had been hooked up to slowly disappeared each time Stevie visited, though Ally remained stationary in the hospital bed due to her fractured spine. In the early days, Stevie constantly awoke during the night, frightening nightmares invading her sweet dreams; nightmares that sent shivers down her back, cold sweat dripping from her brow. Nightmares of the man who had done awful things to the girl she loved most. Nightmares that she would lose the most gorgeous, kind and caring girlfriend she had ever had.

Though now Stevie knew Ally was going to be fine - that she was going to live - the unanswered question of Ally's fractured spine hung in the air like a nasty smell that wasn't going away anytime soon. She couldn't bear to think about any issues of paralysis. All that she knew was that she would love Ally, support her, care for her, and never stop; no matter what the circumstance.

A gentle squeeze startled Stevie from her thoughts. Ally's huge green eyes stared up at Stevie's, her lips stretching into a cheeky smile. Stevie smiled back, pressing the button to raise the hospital bed so that Ally could sit up and talk.

'Hello, pretty.' Stevie grinned at Ally in her bulky neck brace, though on the inside, it hurt her to see the thing - it was a constant reminder of the possible outcome; paralysis. A sudden anger rose up inside of Stevie; anger towards Danny for doing this to her girlfriend. She then softened, seeing Ally smile back. She needed to keep a positive outlook no matter how awful she felt; if not her her sake, for Ally's. Ally's face suddenly fell, as if remembering something unpleasant - something was bothering her.

'Stevie...' Ally whispered, her voice scared and uncertain.

'Baby, whats wrong?' Stevie's brow furrowed in concern. She glanced around, making sure Ally's drip was functioning and everything else was in place.

Ally stared solemnly out of the hospital room window.


Ally looked down, shame written across her face. 'Do you hate me? Because I hate me.'

'Ally, why on earth would I hate you? There's nothing to hate about you. You're so gorgeous and funny and talented and amazing...' Stevie's voice trailed off, seeing Ally wanted to speak.

'I fucking slept with....' Ally couldn't say it. '...him.'

Stevie sighed. 'So this is what its about.' Stevie took a hold of Ally's weak hand, intertwining their fingers together.

'Ally, I can't lie about this, it did hurt. A lot.'

Ally looked ready to burst into tears.

'But...I've had time to think about it, and I've realised...I've can't be the one to blame. That man - Danny - ' Stevie stopped suddenly, as if his name itself was powerful enough to bring him into the hospital room with them. She continued. 'He was a devil. A monster. He wanted to hurt both of us, and we both know it.' She took a breath.

'But another thing I know, is that I love you. And I will never, ever stop loving you.' She took Ally's hand and kissed it softly. 'Ever.'

Ally smiled, tears of happiness welling in her eyes. 'I love you so, so much, Stevie Boebi.'

Stevie leant over, kissing Ally's lips slowly and softly, wishing that she could just hold Ally tight in her arms, just for a minute.

A sharp rapping on the door interrupted their embrace (or as close to one as they could get), as Dr Daniels stepped in, Olivia by his side.

'Stevie, if you could come this way please.' Dr Daniels ushered her out of the room. Stevie cast one last look at Ally before turning and facing the doctor. What was happening? She couldn't tell wether his expression was a smile or a frown. He led her down the corridor into his office. To Stevie's surprise, Ally's mum and dad were seated in two of the chairs in front of the doctor's desk. They gave her a strained smile as she sat down in the last chair.

The doctor cleared his throat, before turning around to retrieve some X-rays from the shelf behind him. It was only then that Stevie realised what was happening. The were about to receive Ally's prognosis. The one which would determined wether Ally would or would not spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair.



haha sorry for such a dramatic chapter, i literally completely forgot how i wanted the story to continue so I'm going to have to think of a new storyline... in the meantime leave ideas (and a vote haha) in the comments of how YOU want to see the story end!

NOTE: again, I'm not a doctor, so do mind my medical I'm pretty sure about 110% of it is incorrect...


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