☆I'm A Tiger!

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When she came to the first thing Bella tried to do was stand up. As she did she found that instead of standing on two legs she was standing on four paws. As she sees this the first thought she has is what the hell, what's going on, what am I? After that she started running, looking for any sort of body of water. When she finally found in a pond she looked in and what she saw surprised her, because looking back at was a snow white tiger with the most amazing bright blue eyes. Bella didn't know what was going on or how she became a white tiger. All she knew was that she couldn't go home like this, so she just started walking around until she tired herself out and fell asleep.

When she awoke again she found that she was human again. The only problem was she was stark naked in the middle of the woods. She didn't know what to do so she improvised. After finding her shredded clothes she wrapped what was left of them around herself and made a dash for the back door. Lucky her dad hadn't gotten home yet so she ran up the stairs to her room and put on the first outfit she could find. Layed down in the bed and just tried to figure out what the hell was going on.

She woke up around two hours later to get started on dinner when her dad Charlie walked in. "Hey kid you home?" He ask as he hung up his gun and holster near the front door. "Yeah dad. Just starting on dinner. Any requests?" She responded as he walked into the kitchen. "Naw baby girl whatever you make is prefect." He responded back sitting in his chair. "Alright, than than I'll see what I can whip up and then we need to talk about something." She replied. As she looked around the kitchen she decided to make tomato soup and sandwiches. As she started on dinner she started thinking about everything that had happened that day and trying to figure out how she had become a tiger and what it meant.

As dinner finished cooking Bella plated everything and sat down to eat with her dad. They ate in a comfortable silence, and as they finished Bella finally asked the question that had been on her mind.
Sorry for the wait. I've been a little distracted with work and my family but I'm finally getting back to the store. Hope you enjoyed it.

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