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Here. Enjoy a photo of my cat! ☺️❤️

(( Okay so, before I start, I've never done one of these before...
Thanks to ForeverAMultiShipper for tagging me ))

🎉 -- Also, Happy (late) New Year and Australia Day -- 🎉

Let's start,


1. You must post all of the rules.
2. You have to tag 13 people.
3. Each person has to say 13 things about themselves.
4. You must answer ALL 13 questions and create new ones for those who you tag.
5. Tag books are allowed.
6. Must make the title creative.
7. Can put this part in another book
8. Tag backs are allowed 😄



(Based off people I am following)


1. Disney or Dreamworks?


2. If you could go anywhere (can be real or fictional), where would you go?

Probably, Tokyo or Disneyland. Since I have so many
fictional places I could choose from, the list would go on forever!!

3. Would you rather visit the past or the future?

I don't really know, I'm kinda scared to do both tbh.
But, if I had to choose I would choose the past.

4. What's your favourite fandom?

Right now it'd probably be the Owari No Seraph fandom (cause Mikayuu is omg).

5. Who is your TV show crush?

Um... *hides* Chandler Riggs who plays Carl Grimes from The Walking Dead. 

6. What's your favourite book / book series

I don't read actual real life books that often,
unless it's manga so I can't really answer...

7. What's your favourite TV show?

TWD and Grimm are hella.

8. What's your favourite movie?

I have several but Frozen is #1

9. Favourite Actor/Actress?

Lol idk...

10. What's your favourite flower?

A Rose definitely. But to be more specific, they have to be red or white.

11. What's your clothing style?

Whatever is in my wardrobe. I don't have a specific style, I wish I did sometimes but most of the time it's too much effort. Don't get me wrong, I still gotta look decent!!
(Fact: I HATE clothes shopping)

12. Marvel or DC?


Lucky 13. Vampire Diaries or True Blood?

Haven't watched either.

(Another fact: 13 is my lucky number... I was born on Friday the 13th. Lol)

So yeah, that's all my questions. Now for yours!! (meaning the people I have tagged above) 😊


1. What's your favourite colour?
2. What is your star sign?
3. If you could live in any country, which one would it be?
4. What's your favourite Disney quote?
5. What's your number one/favourite pairing or ship?
6. If you could date any fictional character, who would it be?
7. Cat or Dog as a pet?
8. What do you like to do in your free time?
9. What is your favourite gem stone?
10. Do you prefer modern or vintage style?
11. Lucky number?
12. Favourite music genre?
13. Do you prefer it to be sunny or raining?

|| Well, looks like I'm done. Hope you all can answer my questions for you!! That's all for now. Bye guys 💗 ||

(( p.s sorry I haven't been updating anything recently!! ))

~Sparkle ❄️

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