Baby Shower And Babies

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I found out I was going to have twins! Two girls! I couldn't wait.
I called my siblings and told them they were going to be aunts and uncle. They were so surprised. I then made them my bridesmaids for my wedding in July. My babies are due on February 5. For the baby shower the colors were blue and pink. We got many gifts. For the twins we got, 5 pairs each of Jordan's. Then we got Winnie the Pooh clothes and blankets. Everything was cool.
4 Months Later
    It was February 4. My water broke. Me and Trey rushed to the hospital. After 4 hours of labor, the babies finally came out. The girl came out first. I named him Alice, Alice Gonzalez. Then the girl came. I named her Alexis, Alexis Gonzalez. They were both light skin, like Trey and had curly hair. They also had blue eyes. They were so cute.

5 Months Later
   Alice and Alexis were able to walk at this time. My wedding was just weeks away. The girls became my flower girls. Trey chose 5 of his friends as groomsmen. His best man was my brother Caleb. My Maid of Honor was my Bestfriend Nia. Trey's father walked me down the aisle cause my father has past away a couple months ago. It was beautiful. Getting married on a beach at Bora Bora. My fairy tale had finally Came true. Until 6 years later.....

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