The Classmate : First Day of Class

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I walked into class. It is my first day in this new college. I am the first one there. The military taught me that it was always important to be early. It shows you are committed. I also wanted to make sure i got a seat at the back. As I sat there, I started pulling my notebook out and preparing. I still had 15 minutes before class started. Then I looked up as I heard the door open. In walked a young hispanic woman. She had long flowing black hair that looked like silk. She was texting on her phone. As she entered she looked up and gave me quick smile. It felt like the insides of me started to turn with nervousness. I had never been nervous around people before. She walked over and sat right in the seat in front of me. As I sat there, I could smell her perfume she was wearing. It had a sweet fruity smell to it. It was very pleasant. She started taking her notebook out. Then she turned around. I was still thinking about how pretty she was. She asked me something but I didnt hear because i was day dreaming.

".....", she asked.
"Sorry, I didnt hear what you said." I replied.
"Oh. What time were we supposed to be here?" She asked again as she brushed her silky black hair behind her ear.

Some part of me told me that she knew I was thinking about her as she kept smiling at me.

"At 8, but i think we are early." I replied again. "Maybe we are the only ones motivated this morning."
"Well thats good." she said with a flirtous smile. "Maybe we should be study partners."
"That would be a great idea," I replied, "I probably will need a study partner."
"Is it okay if i sit beside?" She asked.
"Sure." I replied without hesitation.

As she got up and moved her stuff beside me, another new student walked in. It was a young asian man. He sat down at the opposite side of the room and towards the front next to the teachers desk.

"Well we know who the teachers pet is." I whispered under my breath.

Quickly I heard a giggle next to me. I forgot she was sitting there. I felt so embarrassed.

She notice my embarrassment and quickly said. "Oh dont worry, I was thinking the same thing but didnt know how you would react if I said it."

We both smiled.

"Wow", I thought to myself, "not only is this girl beautiful, but she has a great sense of humor."

Within a few moments larger amounts of fellow students began arriving in the classroom taking their seats. Class started a few moments after 8:00. It was only a 3 hour class that day. The whole time I kept glancing to my right to the beautiful girl who had sat down beside me. My thoughts lost in wondering how else she may be amazing. As I gathered my things to leave she looked at me with this smile of disbelief.

"I flirted with you for 3 hours with smiles and small question I already knew the answer to and you didnt even ask me for my number." She said smiling. "I thought I made it obvious."

I was speehless. I didnt know how to reply.

"Here," she said as she wrote something on a piece of paper while smiling, "I expect you to text me today and dont be slow about it either."

With that, she stood up and walked towards the classroom door leaving me sitting there stunned looking at the piece of paper she gave me. She turned around and smiled at me as she left.

On the piece of paper were her name, number, and 2 words.

"You're Cute :)"

As I typed her number in my phone, My hands were shaking.

I typed a message to her as my heart was racing really fast. I thought it was going to burst out of my chest.

"Hey." I wrote. Sitting there waiting for her response.

Then it happened a few minutes later.

"New Message Recieved" appeared on my phone.....


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