The Classmate (part 2)

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I sat there for a few minutes with my finger hovering over the open message button. Wondering if I should open it, not sure what she had written. My breathing was fast still, my heart was racing. I felt like I could feel a pulse in my hand. I was holding my phone so tight. This was new to me. I had never met a girl who made the first move and took charge. I was used to making the first move and always having a game plan. I was out of my comfort zone... but I liked the feeling.

"What if i screw this up?" I asked myself as I sat in my car.
"What the fuck?" I said out loud realizing that I was talking to myself.

Finally I pressed down on the screen to open the message.

"Hey ;)". It said.
"Wazzup?". I replied

"Holy shit!" I said as I realized what I had just typed.

"HAHAHAHA, flash back 90's." She replied. "I havent heard that in a long time!"
"Well I am cool like that, I can pull it off still lol." I replied still trying to sound cool and hoping she wouldn't see through it.
"Well in regards to your 90's question: Not much. Just got home hahaha." She messaged. "What about you?"
"Same." I replied even though it was a lie. I was still sitting in my car at the school. I hadn't left.
"No plans tonight?" She asked.
"No, just probably sitting at home and relaxing." I replied smoothly.
"Well I have an idea." She messaged again.
"Whats your idea?" I asked with curiousity.
"How about you come meet up with me? :D". She had written.
"What do you wanna do?" I replied back trying not to show my excitement.
"How about we meet at the mall and grab a movie?" She messaged.
"That sounds cool :)". I replied trying not to sound to excited or desperate. "Where do I meet you?"
"Well I made the "FIRST MOVE TWICE" lol." She replied. "How about you come find me!"
"How am I suppose to find you????" I replied while being completely confused.
"I will leave you clues." She replied after a few minutes. "If your smart and really wanna see me. Then you will figure it out. What area do you live in?"
"Ok." I replied confused. "I live about 5 minutes from Downtown San Diego. I live on Imperial."

Isat there waiting for her message. It had been 20 minutes since the last message. What happened? Did I scare her away? I finally had driven home. It was not 35 minutes since the last message. I took a shower and was sitting on my bed feeling a little disappointed. Then I heard it.

Bzzz. Bzzz.

Myphone had just vibrated. I quickly picked it up. The message was confusing.

"Have you seen 12 Rounds with John Cena." The messaged read.
"Yeah lol." I replied confused.
"You have 15 minutes to get to 9th and Broadway in downtown. Traffic is light. It should take you 12 minutes." She said. "Under the bus bench on that intersection is the location of your next clue. Your time starts at 6:20. You cant leave until then. Good Luck :)"

Isat there with disbelief. It was 6:09. I rushed and threw some clothes on. Put some gel in my hair.

"I can do the cologne in the car!" I thought, as I quickly looked at the clock and it said 6:17.  I grabbed my keys and ran out to my car.

Bzzz. Bzzz.

My phone vibrated again.

"GO!" She had written. It was exactly 6:20.

I started driving towards the first clue. My heart racing. I was extremely excited. What would the first clue say? As I got closer I realized how different this was compared to the other women I had met before. As I pulled up to the location, I saw a parking lot next to it. I quickly parked my car. I had 4 minutes left. I quickily ran to the bench and began searching under it. I found the clue.

"I am a famous statue. I was a stranger to everyone, especially him. I lift my foot for all to see. Who am I?" The clue said.

I thought for a moment. Then I got it. I ran to my car.

Bzzz. Bzzz

"Where is the next clue?" The message read.

"Its the kissing statue in the bay. The famous sailor kissing the nurse from New York." I messaged feeling proud of myself.
"Good work! You have 8 minutes." She replied. "You made it to the spot quicker than I thought. ;)"

How could she know when I got there, I realized. She couldnt have unless she could see me. I looked around the street in shock as I got in my car.

Bzzz. Bzzz

After I started my car, I began to proceed to exit the parking lot. A group of motorcyclist passing by gave me time to take another look around before I read the message.

"Dont look so surprised." The message read.

With that, I began driving to the famous statue....

(To Be Continued)

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